Apr 19, 2021


Exciting day . . . got my 14th tat! I'm
going for 13 wild cat tats and 2 pan
tats and 1 redone! If you can overlook
the pain involved . . . 'tis an amazing,
several years' project! 

Since the wild cat is my totem, it's been
fun selecting different cats to immortalize
on my bod! My tattoo artist, Archie, has
done a phenomenal job! He tells me, this  
is the first time he's done a full body of 
work in wild cat heads. I also quite like 
the two symbols he's done on my upper 
arms, thus representing my core beliefs.

I've heard a rumor a couple of times or
three, that tattooing can become addictive.
Not certain I have the right to opine, but
me thinks 'tis most likely true. It's simply
been killing me to await my next tat
whilst this damn plague has been playing
itself out!

If Winter ever ends, and yes, I know
Spring was eclipsed, I'm going to have
to get in a wardrobe that shows off 
some of my tats. I've been dressing in
nothing but black for so long, can't
even visualize me in color. Maybe,
I'll continue the black and throw in
the odd colored scarf or some such! 

so love me some tats
saddens me wrong era born
fun at any cost

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