Apr 21, 2021


Coming home . . . what an experience!

One tends to forget. In the space of just
a few hours, so many weather changes.
Sooooo wasn't expecting . . .

From blue skies and clouds . . . go to 
skies so dark, it felt like the end of the
world.  Not only that, we couldn't see
in front of our faces . . . not even the
red or green traffic lights. We'd come
right up to them before they revealed
themselves. Talk about, not only going
slow, but still slamming on brakes . . .
all the way!

Hours later, when we finally rounded
the corner to home, sweet home, it
rather felt apocryphal. We made it!
Wow! Quick, get the most essential
items in; it's starting to snow!

Trip after trip, only bringing in that
which couldn't be left out in the travel
trailer. Hurry! And, it had snowed 8"
whilst we were away . . . no path to
the cabin!

Finally in . . . cabin looks a mess, but
so be it! And then, "Oh my God, I just
remembered . . . " Deal with it, what
ever 'it' was . . . and then, "S--t, I just
thought of something I should have
done!" Whatever, three separate times
and I am sooooo hoping there are no
more remembrances!!!

Loved our long weekend with fam!
Not quite certain just why I love the
coming home as well! It's all good!

what an adventure
so love me some family
ever and always

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