Apr 8, 2021


It all started with my guy feeling
peckish. Add into that, he'd been
thinking of family, home and
childhood treats . . .

He came up to bed with his fave
cereal bowl. In it, he had broken
up an ice cream sandwich, added
proper ice cream and covered in
all in milk, if you can believe it!
He said it was nothing; he grew
up with Miracle Whip 'n banana

Rather made me think of my own
childhood crazies. Have you ever
had a dill pickle and peanut butter 
sandwich? Then there's the comfort
food of mac 'n cheese with Velveeta
cheese . . . and don't forget peanut 
butter filled celery sticks with raisins. 

I know! I know! It's all about being
kids . . . But wait, I seem to recall
being pregnant and yearning for
some of these . . .

Yikes! Yuck!! No way!!! NO!
Wouldn't be caught dead . . . 

crazy fetishes 
a walk down memory lane
color me yearning 

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