Apr 26, 2021

04/26/2021 - Moon Water

I'm not certain as to the magick of
Moon Water. Still, I find myself 
attracted to the ceremonial part of
the entire venture. 

I like to choose a special time for
exact reasons. For example, a New
Moon might serve for the beginning
of a new project. A Full Moon would
perhaps represent the completion
thereof. For me, from New Moon to
Full Moon is a time of acquiring,
whereas the Full Moon to the New
Moon is a time of letting go.

So, were I to begin a special project
around the New Moon period, I'd
wash my grandmother's blue canning
jars, fill them with water along with
three specially selected crystals and 
put them outside at sunset. I would
get up at dawn to bring in the jars at
what would be moonset and sunrise.

What would I do with the water once
I brought it into the house? I like to
water ailing plants with this special
brew. If I find myself hurting for any
reason, I like to drink a small glass
during my meditation. If I find I have
something unwanted on my face or
body, I like to wash it with Moon 

Is this important? Is it real? Does it 
work? All I know is that I much
enjoy the procedure. If there is a bit
of magick to be had, all the better.
This works for me and I love it!


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