Apr 4, 2021

04/05/2021 - Courage 3

This walk down memory lane 
has been hard, really rough . . . 
but, I'm not sorry for having 
taken a look see . . .

I so thank the Universe that 
I was able to land a teaching 
job in the US. Not only was 
it my saving grace, teaching 
is truly the love of my life!

My children, my own babies, 
will ever and always be my 
first love. Having said that, 
other people's children will 
always come next.

There is nothing in the whole
wide world like teaching . . . 
a sacred commitment to open 
the doors and windows of the 
universe for our young people.

Taking teens by the hand and
leading them into the wonders
of a heretofore unknown world
must be the greatest challenge
a teacher has ever been given. 

All kids deserve a teacher who
says, "I am not going to let you
fail because I see more in you
than you see in yourself. I will
go to the end of the earth to
make sure school is what you
need it to be." Bored Teachers

Perhaps, it takes a modicum
amount of courage to face a
classroom each and every day.
For me though, the courage
needed was to leave the class-
room after 41 years of teaching.
Nearly broke my heart . . . 

 . . . I miss it every single day 
of my life!

To be continued . . .

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