Apr 9, 2021


I was finding myself a bit down . . .
SADS is interesting; you never quite
know when it's going to hit you. And
when it does, watch out!

I've learned to be somewhat proactive,
so I built a fire, lit some candles, put on
some music and served myself a small
glass of wine. Scene set . . . and me at
the ready to feel better pronto!

And then SHE arrived. By 'she' I mean
my bestie. Once in a while she's able to
travel from parts unknown, spend some
time with me and virtually save my life.

We sat by the fire, wine in hand, the 
words simply pouring out of us . . .
should have been difficult to even
understand, but somehow it all made

We'd laugh, tear up, interrupt each
other, remember something and stick it
in the conversation one way or another.
What an evening; I pray I never forget it!

Frankly, I'm coming to the idea that I 
need to redefine those precious words;
friend, friendship. I get that we all have
our ideas, definitions, meanings of the
words. Still, when an amazing friend
of three decades encompasses every
idea you've ever had about friendship,
'tis time for a look see . . .

 . . . her name is Alice!

need me some friend time
friend by any other name
makes life bearable

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