Oct 29, 2020


Me thinks life is a sphere of concentric circles . . .

Visualizing our tiny beginnings and those small
endings . . . LIFE, with our living fleshed out in
the center. I find those beginnings of interest,
that little life I was living as a child. My whole
world was the town I lived in, the church we
attended, those few family and friends, and my
beloved school.

As I grew and left home at 15 to study abroad,
so did my world. A bigger city, more friends,
a plethora of nationalities, different ways of
thinking and a broader exploration of politics.
I was WOWED . . . and loved every moment.

Marrying out of my own race, living south
for 20 years, studying a variety of unrelated
disciplines, all brought about this broadening
of life experiences. I love to think the center
of my own circle of life is my children. Such
amazing, beautiful creatures they are. 

41 years of teaching in two countries . . . 
talk about a broadening of life experiences!
Truly, nothing else can compare. Alas, as one
walks away from a beloved career, slightly
bent and facing the cane years, that sphere
begins its travels towards the finish line. 

I'm nearly there . . . tremendously interested 
in that upcoming experience, a bit frightened, 
yet anxious for a good look-see. 

that enticing sphere
coming round full circle 
beginnings endings

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