Oct 12, 2020


I dreamt I had purchased a mansion . . .

 . . . a falling down, decrepit mansion
that no one would be caught in, dead
or otherwise. And, when I said falling
down, I was most likely understating
the damage.

It nigh onto looked like a family reunion. 
Every guy and his dog was there. Some
were cleaning, others repairing, whilst
still others were actually building. The
children, dozens of them, were playing
in the creek. It was cold and I didn't get
how they could enjoy the water in such

I was gathering wood, bits and pieces
good for nothing else; I knew we'd want
a fire in the evening. I was piling them
in what must have been a living room
at one time. High ceiling, broken glass,
a tipsy chandelier, and not a chair in 

One of the younger women came in 
and asked if she could have a beer. I
didn't think anyone had brought any
as this wasn't party time, rather work
time. We looked around, but didn't
find any.

Where the hell did this dream come 
from? So vivid in every detail . . .

let me stay asleep
dreaming better than awake
wonder why that is

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