Oct 26, 2020


Lingo on my mind . . .

Contemplation or thought? Humungous or
large? Nice or awesome? Sweet or lovely?
Phenomenal or good? Delicious or delectable?

Not certain it really matters. We all have a
different predilection for various kinds of
language. Some prefer simple, direct, clear.
Makes for good understanding. One of my
fave authors, Robert B. Parker, wrote his
plethora of books in exactly this manner.

There are those who seem to dote on the
more flowery side of linguistics, almost
poetic. I find I can do floral bouquets of
language just about as much as I can do
PINK . . . so NOT well! Having finally 
confessed, I will say this . . .

 . . . I love! LOVE!! L O V E !!! language.
I revel in the use of those absolutely delish 
words. Give me a . . . transcendent, prolific,
soniferous, veridical . . . and as my practice
is cartomancy, I may as well add that to the

Time was when a word a day was the norm.
And, as we grow older, this kind of thing
becomes even more important. Give it a try!
One a week might be more like it at my 

lingo at its best
gift me some delectables
language enamored

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