Oct 14, 2020


. . . Living in a town where wildlife and 
humans seem to co-mingle with great
success, makes me ponder certain humans
of late. 

We tend to slow down as both elk and
deer pad along the road at their own pace.
We quietly and slowly back up when Mr.
ginormous bear saunters up the sidewalk
next to where we're having afternoon
drinks! We just chuckle when we see a
couple of wild turkey enjoying the heat 
of the engine and then leave us a gift of 
excrement in thanks.

. . . And then someone, purportedly 'out
of towners', comes blazing through, horn
a beeping, window down and shouting
at the herd to get out of the way. Where
the hell are they going in such a hurry?!

I never really feel we're in danger. But,
bottom line, we're in their territory and
me thinks they're quite patient with us.
Pretty impressive though, when a bull
elk lets out a proper bugle. So, we'll 
continue to enjoy the wildlife, be on 
the lookout and take care not to get in
their way.

Still, a word to the drivers . . . slow
down already!  What's the rush?!

love me my wildlife
let me get out of the way
a gift of the gods

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