Oct 9, 2020


Sooooo enjoying my month . . .

Obviously, it belongs to me! I find myself
feeling sorry for those who only celebrate
their birthdays for one day when they could
be enjoying all 30 or 31 days!

Yesterday, my guy treated us to a drive
over the Monument. It's strange though,
even as we loved it and enjoyed it as kids,
the beauty we beheld as adults was far
greater. Me thinks the child within loved 
the camping and hiking, the adult is wowed
by the scenery. I oohed and awed so much
that I was beginning to feel sorry for my

We stopped at the old country store that
we both remembered from childhood.
Treated ourselves to ice cream s-wiches
in honor of yesteryear. It was fun looking
at the shelves stocked with small cans
and packages. The old Pepsi cooler,
taking up most of the front of the
store, was a sight. It was filled with all
sorts of pops and goodies. Talk about
a blast from the past! Wow!!!

We were in such high spirits, we just
had to stop and have a marg. We were
treated like royalty, most likely due to
the fact that we're both quite eccentric
to say nothing of being nigh onto a 100.
The hostess kept coming over to see us
and insisted on a picture. Our waiter
liked us so well he sent us the gift of a
shot from him. Happy birthday to we!

So much fun! I'm half feeling like having
another birthday next month as well.
Bottom line, we should all be living those
wondrous moments of our lives, rather
than simply existing from celebrations 
to vacations.

so loving our lives
want to live to a hundred
celebrate ahoy

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