Oct 7, 2020


My kids and theirs are all adults now . . .

 . . . and I find I still worry for them, 
want for them to be safe. Bubble wrap 
comes to mind!

Funny how that is. I try to hide it as I 
imagine it can be unattractive, fawning
over them.  But, what's a parent to do?!
My mother used to say, "Live on your
knees." My father countered with, "Let
them be; let them live their lives, have
their own experiences." I so want to be
like him. I can't help but wonder if this
has to do with whether you're a mom
or a dad?!

What does one say to adult children
as the crossing of the bridge comes
ever closer? Platitudes? Advice, real
or otherwise? Think for me it would be:
"Be yourself. Live rather than exist. 
Be kind! The world already has enough
assholes and decency matters!" And,
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

My advice to me might simply be, 
"Get out of their way already!" And,
that means, in my head. I've done a
good job of doing that physically,
but the head . . . never seems to stop
worrying. A parent's cross to bear?

live but be careful
nah throw caution to the wind
existing boring

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