Oct 20, 2020


Oh my God . . . 

. . . my son and his lovely gal gave me the
most wondrous b-day ever. 

We all dressed up and went out to Miner's 
Alley and enjoyed the Speak Easy. The
ambiance was perfect. And the bartender 
was a performance artist. It was so much
fun to watch him at his craft. They weren't 
terribly busy, so he would come over and 
visit with us from time to time.

Best of all, was spending proper time with
my son. He graced our time together telling
tales out of school. So fun to hear stories of
oneself from the kids . . . a whole different

It is truly wondrous to have reached this 
amazing age and find that your children
are glorious people. People you like and
enjoy spending time with. No greater gift
can life serve . . .

so loving my life
like to stay another while
ever so grateful

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