Oct 27, 2020


Then there's all those fantastical words . . .

It almost seems that they've been made up.
I find myself flummoxed by all those crazy
words enticing my silly side at every sound. 
Most people have very lackadaisical attitudes
towards their own speech patterns, but I get
a kick out of them anyway.

I mean, when you think about it, a lot of
lingo is completely discombobulated. For
me, most of it is gobbledygook anyway.
Poppycock! Today, most of these young 
whippersnappers would get entirely lost 
in the kerfuffle when it comes to language!

Well, I'd probably better stop lollygagging
around here. The neighbors are making a
horrific hullaballoo with their Halloween
party. For me, it's a lot of malarkey. Maybe
I feel that way because we weren't invited.

seduce me with words
verbiage is to my liking
love me the lingo  

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