Oct 28, 2020


Thinking about forgetfulness as it applies 
to me. Forever and a day, we've all heard 
the elder forgetting jokes and can't help 
but wonder if that's us waiting to happen.

I just took out the trash and can't remember
if I brought back my guy's trash can! Go
figure! Sometimes, I eat two breakfasts, fun! 
And, I've been known to answer the same
e-mail twice or comment a couple of times
on the same post.

So, I've been having a think . . . Is it that I'm 
truly forgetful, or is it that I don't pay attention 
to business? Maybe, my mind doesn't consider
whatever to be important and dismisses it.
Perhaps, I'm acting by rote and am pondering 
some things I consider to be important and am 
distracted. It may even be, d) all of the above.

Bottom line, I'm coming to the conclusion
that we humans show all of the above traits 
at all ages and we don't particularly pay
attention to this until we're oldsters.

I'm beginning to think forgetfulness is fairly
unimportant, so I'm going to treat myself to
second breakfast with Tolkien as my guest.

a light in the dark
forgetting remembering
both phenomenal

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