Oct 10, 2020


 So love and honor sacred spaces . . .

 . . . What would we do without them?!
I'm fortunate enough to have two such
places in my back yard. You have to bend
down a tad, which is symbolic to me, and
there they are. The one near the end of my
property honors those who have passed. I
find sitting there, from time to time, a real
comfort. The one closer to the cabin, is
simply a hidden space where I can sit and

The wondrous vardo my guy built for me
is one such place. This amazing gypsy
wagon calls out to be entered and enjoyed.
Note that joy is contained within enjoyed
I am always wowed when the sacred cries
out for joy. When I am a tad down . . .
'tis off to the vardo I go!

These sacred spaces are all wondrous, 
but I would have to admit that my fave 
is in front of the fireplace. I have laughed
and loved there, sobbed and cried my
heart out. I've shared secrets, hopes and 
dreams. Meditating there is without par.
Surely, it has to do more with the fire 
than the actual fireplace, but I know I
love sitting there. It heals, truly heals.

knowing what i need
of sacred spaces i sing
cosseting the soul

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