Oct 1, 2020


Happy, happy birth month to me . . .

I have to laugh at the entire mixed
salad of feelings that overcome me
and nigh onto overwhelm me in
October! It all began with my mom
and dad meeting on Halloween, then
marrying a year later on Halloween
and planning my birth for the next
Halloween. Alas, I was nearly two
weeks early . . . and I've been early 
to everything since! Damn!

I love Autumn! Watching the colors
change is phenomenal. Building my
Samhain altar is a joy. And I am
beyond thrilled with our Fall drives.
Today will be Guanella Pass. Not
sure what I'll choose next time.

Taking in the last few times for sitting
outdoors, remarking on the cool of
evening and the stunning colors . . .
all part of saying goodbye to Summer
and hello to Autumn. I find myself
wishing the cold beer were a hot toddy
and have to chuckle at the idea.

I've had to wait nine months for the
arrival of my fave month. Me thinks
'tis a proper gestation period after all!
Here's looking forward to what the
month will bring . . .

autumn here at last
costumes parties skulls and masks
such fun awaits us

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