Oct 20, 2020

10/18/2020 - 71 years old

Today is the day . . . 

. . . the end of a full year of celebration. 
God, I have so enjoyed being 70. It was 
never supposed to happen . . . and yet it did.

I need to make 71 a good sequel rather than a
let down. So, what do I want to do with 71?!
Perhaps, 71 will have more to do with living
rather than celebrating. Maybe moments of
joy rather than partying.

I know life is messy. It's almost like a meal.
The baby years are much like hors d'oeuvres.
The younger years, the salad. The mid years,
perhaps the mail meal and the final years,
dessert and brandy.

But, I'm actually thinking, I'm in the middle
of coffee and port. Upon reflection, maybe 
the afters are the best part. I know one thing
for certain, I want to enjoy the afters as long
as I can.

So, raising my brandy snifter, here's to enjoying
every single moment. Life  R O C K S !!!

learning my lessons
living versus existing
finding joy in life

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