Oct 13, 2020


October is full of marathons . . .

 . . . and alas, not the running kind! There
are family and friendship marathons. Coffee
ice cream binging comes to mind. Seeing
Practical Magic, my usual Halloween flick.
Watching fave series in bed. E-mailing my
besties and above all, being as naughty as
I can! October only comes once a year, 
after all!

What is it about birthdays and birth months
anyway? We've all enjoyed them since we
were kids. I suppose in the early years, our
parents enjoyed them for us. As time passed,
we learned to milk the day, as it were. And
then, there's we elders, doing the month up

I'm thinking! I'm thinking! It all must have
to do with reaffirmation of life! There's
naught like a birthday to remind us that
we've been here, done that and are still
doing it, and planning on doing some more.

The older we get, the more we comprehend
the concept of living over existing. Every
moment counts because time is literally
running out. Sooooo, me thinks I'd best get
ready to do some serious celebrating here.
My dearest and best, the first woman I met
upon coming to Denver, is a birthdaying 
with me today. 

Oh, don't you wish you were here!

the older i get
find my heart embraces all
tis life at its best

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