Oct 4, 2020


October . . . birth month supreme . . .

We're only four days into those delicious
days of October. I sooooo love celebrating
the entire month and to think there are those
who only give their b-days just a few hours.

The first, we did Guanella Pass, the second
I spent with one of my besties, the third we
did the town and today at o' dark thirty,  I 
woke up to ice cream in bed.

I can hardly wait to see what the other 26
days will bring . . . I already know what's
going to happen on the 31st . . .

If it weren't for the fact that I want to enjoy
every single moment of the tenth month of
the year, I'd be wishing it away so I could
love, Love, L O V E every single second 
of Samhain, Halloween . . .

Oh my God, I can hardly wait to share what
we intend to do that day. I need to stop, live
and enjoy each day . . . shut up already ld!!!

lets plan october
maybe it will surprise us

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