Oct 22, 2020


"When real Democrats and Republicans
were running our country, we didn't hate
each other. We didn't vote for parties. We
voted for ideas that came from both parties
that made us better as a country. We didn't
label ideas or parties as racist, sexist or
un-American. We did what we thought 
was best for 'We the People' and accepted
the winner as a united country!" ~Unknown

As a kid, I wanted to choose my own party.
So, I determined I would study the three
major parties for a year. I did so with the
help of my school books, the local library
and my 5th and 6th grade teacher, Joyce
Morse. At the end of the year, I announced
my party of choice to my parents.

We always had family dinner at the table and
had lively discussions about different topics.
My father was an Independent, my mother,
a Republican. And, as a budding Democrat, 
I was eager . . . I look back at those 'lively
discussions' with a certain amount of awe.
We each had our positions. We took turns
defending them, always expected to back
them with data. We talked, argued, debated,
but never disrespected each other. Wow!

The above quote may be a tad rose colored,
yet it is as I remember it. It seems now that
one can hardly have inter-party friendships.
Must be tough on families! Mine continues
to endorse different parties . . . we just get
on with it!

enjoy discussing
why should different matter
still longing to learn

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