Oct 20, 2020


I have to laugh at myself . . .

Today, I find myself without a computer 
as I took it in for maintenance yesterday 
afternoon. It's the first thing I reach for 
every morning as I begin the day with 
writing my blog and haiku. 

I like to check in on Facebook and have 
a look/see into the news, the goings on . . .
along with family, friends and acquaintances. 
By then, I hopefully have something in mind 
about which to write.

So, here I am with pen in hand, finding my
penmanship much degraded. I'm trying to 
decide whether to blame this on lack of
practice and use or on the computer.
Obviously, it has naught to do with age!

So, today begins life without a computer.
We'll see how I fare.

back in the old days
no technology in sight
modern life awaits

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