Jul 7, 2020


"Own who you are. Be fearless in
writing your story. Unapologetic in 
editing, taking away, adding, to your 
story. Because this life is yours. Your 
story is after all, your story. So own it. 
You were never meant to live a story 
that's like other people. You were meant 
to live your life in the unique way that 
makes it unlike any other. Dare to be 
all that's unique and extraordinary."
~Cassandra Eason

I've been pondering these powerful 
words by Cassandra Eason. She is wise
beyond her years; make no mistake! At
the behest of Doug Abshire, my bestie in
the male kingdom lo these many years, 
I began sharing my daily blog on FB . . .
and haven't missed a day thus far. Fun!

In doing so, a la quick and dirty, I think
about the parts left out, those glossed
over, and then wonder, "Does this in
any way compromise the integrity of 
the writing?" Something to think about!
And obviously, one can't include every
little detail in a few inches of sharing.

Looking at this query squarely in the 
face, I am honest in sharing my stories,
my thoughts. Bless Cassandra for
reaffirming this for me . . .

sitting round the fire
i have a story to tell
lets share together

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