Jul 18, 2020


I have always enjoyed eating. Actually, that's
not strong enough diction; I LOVE everything
about eating! The delightful colors in food are
most appealing. The scents invite! The distinct
shapes and sizes of fruits and vegetables add
to the interest factor. The different dishes that
we each invent, the pics in magazines and the
incredible recipe books of today . . . glorious!
One of the things I value in chefs, is the ability
to decorate the already phenomenal meal. A
touch here, a splash of color there; wow!

Sooooo, you can only imagine what it has cost
me to give up the bounty in honor of my health.
Every year, I like to commit to a month or two
of good behavior. Show 'em I'm still in charge!
Most of the time, a hiatus from my preferred
margs. Other times, 'tis the joy of foods that I'm
giving up. This time, I've committed myself to
good behavior for 40 days and 40 nights. I'm
three weeks into the countdown and it's been
fine; not even tempted. Still, I find myself not
quite up to par. I am a big gal after all; perhaps,
I should be eating a tad more.

Life is funny . . . interesting and strange. I have
to wonder why at 70 I even need to prove any-
thing to myself; but there's the rub! Here's to
happy idiocy!!!

i confess tis i
accepting me as i am
crazy loony tune

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