Jul 6, 2020


AGNOSTIC - holds the view that any
ultimate reality such as God is unknown

ATHEIST - person who does not believe
in the existence of a god or gods

BUDDHIST - enlightenment obtained by
right conduct, wisdom and meditation,
releasing one from desire and suffering

CHRISTIAN - professes belief in the
teachings of Jesus Christ

HINDU - dharma ritual, social observances,
mystical contemplation, ascetic practices

JEW - belief in one transcendent God who
has revealed himself to Abraham, Moses,
and the Hebrew prophets

PAGAN - follower of a polytheistic religion
as in ancient Rome

I ask the question, "Does a personal belief
system define us?" For me, it's simply one
more factor in understanding a person.
Indeed, there are those who would insist
that our beliefs are a defining factor in
determining who we are as a people.

For some, a religion, a creed, provides the
framework for their very existence. For
others, it's an add on to who they are on
a different level.

When I was getting my degree in Religion
and Philosophy in Lincoln, Nebraska, we
studied the 11 great religions. I had to
chuckle when I made the above list, those
primary to my family and friends. Reason
being, when I looked up a current list on
the internet, it was virtually unending.

I maintain that a personal belief system
is important. I also think it doesn't matter
what it happens to be, it's just important
to have one. Here's to happy believing . . .

belief defines us
so enjoy walking my path
i believe in me

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