Jul 26, 2020


Morning of the day after; ever interesting, 
isn't it?! Today we awake to a new day,  
a new week and the expectation of new 
experiences. And best of all, we have the 

I find myself reminiscing about our family, 
sweet things that happened during the day, 
both the fun and the fumblings. Interesting
happenings and stories shared will remain
in our hearts throughout the year until we
meet again.

Currently, we are living in a world laced
with sorrow; political issues, the plague,
loss of jobs, hopes and dreams all gone.
But, when a loving family reunites, we
are once again reminded that love still
exists 'mongst the ashes of those dreams 
lost, burned and destroyed.

Oh how I thank the gods for the love 
in our family . . .

remembering you
you lighten my heavy heart
better yet to come

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