Jul 12, 2020


I find myself aghast . . . 2020, the plague 
in place and still . . . scammers ahoy!

I hear of people being taken in by phone
callers, supposed electricians, fake ads,
and scammy ministers. What the hell?
When do we grow up and become
suspicious of inordinate impersonators
of truth and goodwill?

We're bound together by this world wide
plague, and still . . . robberies, willful
destruction, violence against others, rape,
home brutality . . . and 'tis said, divorce
is the new salad of the day!

I long for us to bond, at a safe distance
with masks in place. Let's watch each
other's backs. Let's love one another,
play together, pray together . . . do this

focus on the bad
am so tired of evil
searching for the good

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