Jul 10, 2020


Oh my God . . . 70 years old and still having
nightmares! ~!@#$%^&*()_+ What the hell?!
Are they supposed to be telling me something?
Is there some amazing truth to be learned here?
What am I missing?

I've been plagued with nightmares my entire
life. Somehow, I did think I'd grow out of this.
Surely,  I've paid the price by now! I swear,
sometimes I'm almost afraid to go to sleep.

Looking at this rationally, there has to be a
reason for nightmares plaguing one's soul. I'm
making an effort to think about them when I
wake up, hoping I can find some significance,
some meaning.

I'm not giving up . . . still trying to understand.
Still searching, still listening . . . and I'd best
be getting some answers pretty damn soon!

nightmares exhausting
of plagues and monsters i dream
fear to go to sleep

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