Jul 22, 2020


I find myself in a state of remembrance . . .
Yesterday was my father's birthday and on
the morrow, my brother's. My lover's follows.

Obviously, these birthdays remind me of my
guys! My dad was and is, the absolute love
of my life. I think of him every single day
and talk with him often. Me thinks 'tis a form
of prayer. I remember my brother less often
because I know he's in a much better place.

My father was allotted his lifetime and he
lived it to the max. My brother, born blind
and special, gave us all insights, experiences,
understanding and wisdom. I thank the gods
he was given rest. Life was so hard for him.

On a happier plane, my guy's b-day is a fun
familial celebration that we will all enjoy in
masked glory. I expect there will be some
interesting pics to share.

Pray God bless all three . . .

remembering you
missing you ever ever
pray understanding

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