Jul 17, 2020


I say, getting ready for my guy's b-day has
been both exhausting and a hell of a lot of
fun. I put in my request for a pergola. Not
only will it serve future Musicians of
America, it's a total conversation piece.
I can hardly wait to see the first musician
who seats himself on the stump provided . . .

I should explain, as my 130 year old cabin
is rustic, along with everything else in the
place, an old fashioned pergola it had to be.
You can imagine just how wrong a modern-
day pergola would have looked in such a
yard. It has a bench in the back and places
for drinks on the side. And per always, a
key for our Lady Hekate hangs at the entry.

I find interesting the ideas one comes up
with for changing, decorating, enhancing
a home. Wherever you live, the place must
have taken your eye initially . . . and then
begins the changes. I tend to think of it as
'peeing the perimeter' . . . a gift left to us
by our animal friends. For certain, making
a house a home has many a twist and turn.

so loving my home
sing along say it with me
lets party hearty

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