Jul 19, 2020


Whoever the powers at be decided, declared
that we should have a couple of days at the
end of each week for rest and contemplation
may have just saved our lives! Thank God!

We've been working so hard, arduous hours
and happy to do so. Every year we spiff the
place up for my lover's b-day . . . gives us a
time that somehow works for us. Who knows,
it might just be the whole turning 70 thing,
but this year we seem to be extra exhausted.

Yesterday, the musician I asked to play for
my guy and his family, came to check out the
new pergola to see how it was going to work
for him. He even graced us with some music.
Thankfully, he and his wife, along with our
next door neighbors who introduced us to
him, stayed and visited with us for a while.

Mandated REST! Yayyyyy! I could kiss
their feet! Rather makes me think we may
live through this after all!

after work comes rest
the more ardor the better
bring on the hammock

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