Jul 5, 2020


Oh my God . . . my tat artist is a friggin'
genius!!! I've been waiting with bated
breath for the quarantine to be over.
Been wanting to treat our girl to a tat . . .
after all, she's the one who introduced
me to Archie!

So this time, he treated me to a couple
of kits, a mountain lion and a caracel.
They are fab; make no mistake. I hadn't
intended to do any kits, but I saw a parit
that appealed to me; the rest is history.
I may even have him do another next
time. I have a couple of Pagan tats, as
well as 10 cats. My dream is to have 13
cats all told; I can hardly wait!

I find myself wondering, what is it about
tats that are so appealing? I swear they
are addictive and I know I'm not the first
to say that. Why is it that we like, enjoy,
decorating our skin? I do know it's an age
old art and that it doesn't appeal to one
and all. Glad I'm one of those that it does.

Hey, feel free to send me your fave cat
pics. I need ideas and I have no repeats.
Mine are all of the wild; don't do domestic.

wheres that damn cat gone
here kitty kitty kitty
me thinks ill join you

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