Jul 8, 2020


His 70th is coming up! I can hardly wait!
What is it about birthdays that excite us,
from childhood to the grave?! I've loved
being 70 as my docs assured me I'd never
make it; ever so happy that I have.

So, with the celebration comes the plans,
the cleans, the trash, the organizing, etc.
I rather like this part of the whole thing.
(Me thinks there's something wrong with
me!) The thing is, you finally take care of
things you've been putting off all year!

I've found myself wondering which is the
best part . . . prepping, experiencing or
remembering?! Bottom line, it's important
to enjoy all three, isn't it! For now, in the
prep part, I'm exhausted, pain ridden, and
damn pleased that this 'to do list' is finally
getting accomplished!

lets party hearty
place gets cleaned lets mess it up
proof of a great time

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