May 26, 2021



Life is so precious; me thinks we
don't realize just how much until
it is lost.

We lost Gris 15 years ago. Alas,
today would have been her 65th. 
I found it so hard to cope with 
the loss of such a beautiful friend. 
She truly meant the world to me.

For those of us who have battled
suicide for years, the pain of losing
a dearest and best to that monster
is beyond heartbreak. 

No one wants to die in this horrible
manner. We get that the pain is most
unbearable for those we leave behind.
Our struggles to not leave this way
are epic, but we continue to fight, 
no matter what!

I pray Griselda rests in peace. I
pray I may continue my own fight
and win my own battles with SADS.
I know she would want me to.

'Tis never a goodbye Gris; hasta
luego . . . sé que te veré pronto.
Ni te imagines lo que te extraño.

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