May 21, 2021


Family time; most amazing . . .

It occurs to me that as one gets
older, family becomes ever so
much more important.

I don't know if we take family
for granted in our younger years
or if it's because we live so far
from each other that getting
together is far more difficult.

Me thinks 'tis never too late.
It's happening now and that's
what's important. It's so much
fun to get together and suss out
where we each came from and
how we're related. Seeing the
other side of everything we
thought we knew . . . most

It's delightful to hear those tales 
out of school. And, I find this 
sense of connection as we chat 
and share. Looking at each other
from deep within, I see those
familial bonds growing.

How fortunate we are to still have
time to meet and greet, to learn
anew to like and to love.

Here's to family, far and wide . . .

we are family
sister sledge says it so well
still time to enjoy

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