May 12, 2021


Me thinks my guy gets me! 
He's taking me out today . . . 
Pray, Universe bless him!

Seems ever since the plague,
we've been home bound. Our
own get-aways have been to 
go to SAMS once every two 
or three months. They have 
a 7:00 a.m. senior morning, 
so we've figured it's a tad 
less risky.

Speaking of risks, we're
actually going to eat out
today. We haven't seen the
owner in so long that we're
taking her flowers. Depending
on the time, we may even 
have a margarita.

I imagine this plague, as I am
deemed to call it, affects we
oldsters less than it does you
youngsters. I would have to 
say though, it has brought a
renewed joy in the little things.

Someone dropping by, a special
card in the mail, a package on
the doorstep, an unexpected call,
a fab movie . . . It doesn't have
to be big nor expensive to be a
gift . . . 

good things to recall
gifts in all shapes and sizes
wrapping not required

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