May 7, 2021


As I've said before, I truly do make
an effort to live in the now. I would
even confess to doing a pretty good
job of it. But as long as I'm confessing,
I may as well admit to getting quite
wrapped up in anticipation.

A friend of mine is coming in from 
out of town this evening. I pray I
enjoy the day whilst awaiting her
arrival. Silly things enter my mind . . . 

Will it be warm enough to sit outside?
Will it be too warm to build a fire?
I want to make Mexican food, per
usual, but I seem to recall that there
are some things she can't eat. 

I hark back to a somewhat distant
past, wondering if I've always been
like this. Maybe I was; maybe I took
things more in stride. Who knows?!

I find myself wondering if age brings
us to a place where even the smallest
things are enjoyed and treasured?! I
like this. What's the point of life if
we don't enjoy all its nuances?!

Me thinks 'tis about paying attention!
Perhaps, that business in our lives
blinds us a tad and I want to SEE!

ever loving life
take notice its important
stay awhile longer

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