May 17, 2021


Taking care of my health a bit for
the last three years may actually
be paying off! I walked a long way
on the flats this morn and collected
a couple of pockets of small stones.

These may even have more meaning
as they represent my first long walk
in an enormity of time. Each time I
see them, it will serve as a reminder
that I can do this and more.

Catching up with the kids is delightful
as well as Mama Earth on the flat. We
are so used to seeing her in all of her
mountainous glory that the flatlands
are a bit of a different kind of treat.

I watch the grandkids entertaining
themselves in the great outdoors . . .
They dig in the earth, collect their
own rocks and play endless hours
at whatever their imaginations
come up with. Most wondrous!

I find myself grateful that we can
still find still find places that aren't
filled to the nines with people and 
all their accompanying noise. I 
believe I'll go home refreshed and

mother earth blesses
anywhere and wherever
welcome to her dance

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