May 9, 2021

05/09/2021 - Mother's Day

As I love being a mother, today brings
to mind other mothers that we have
known, loved and must honor.

Mother Mary Teresa Bolaxhiu, honored 
in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of 
Calcutta, was an Albanian-Indian Roman
Catolic nun and missionary. She was born
in Skopje. 1910 - 1997. Wikipedia

Mother Frances Cabrini, Italian-American
nun who founded the Missionary Sisters of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus to support fellow
Italian immigrants to the United States. She
was the first U.S. citizen to be canonized as
a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.
1850 - 1917. Wikipedia

Marie Curie, first woman to win a Nobel Prize
and mother of Irene Joliot-Curie who co-won
the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with her husband
for their own work with radio activity.
1887 - 1934. ~Suzanne Raga

Sojourner Truth and her baby daughter escaped
slavery, rescued her illegally sold son and went
on to become a Christian preacher in New York
City speaking about the Bible, abolition and
women's suffrage. 1797 - 1883. ~Suzanne Raga

Abigail Adams, First Lady, single-handedly ran
their farm, wrote letters supporting equal rights
for woman and abolition of slavery, and educated
their five children including future president John
Quincy Adams. 1744 - 1818 ~Suzanne Raga

Irena Sendler, smuggled out almost 2500 Jewish
children during the Holocaust, giving them false
documents, placed them in convents, orphanages,
and Christian homes. Arrested, tortured, sentenced 
to execution, never gave any information about the 
children or her smuggling operation. 1910 - 2008. 
~Suzanne Raga

Esther Veatch Jennings, amazing woman and mom,
dedicated her life to her blind and special needs son
as well as serving her local community in Special
Education Services. Worked for the Atomic Energy
Commission for 30 years, garnering many awards
and much recognition. 1928 - 2016  ~ld Jennings

May we ever honor them, our mothers . . .

loves me being mom
mother mom mum ma mamá
the greatest honor

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