May 22, 2021


Being nigh onto a hundred years
old, okay 71, I find my addiction
to our modern day technology
to be somewhat fascinating!

I don't have a smart phone, but
I do have a laptop. I begin each
day with it literally on my lap
as I lay back in bed and write
my daily blog.

Oh, and then I need to scroll
through Facebook in order to
know how everyone is doing.
There are messages to be read,
written and answered.

When least I expect it, I see
something I want to know
more about, so internet here
I come! Heaven forbid, I 
should just read about my
interests in books.

Alas, I have come to realize
that I have no ground to
stand on when it comes to
criticizing the kids of today
for being glued to their
smart phones.

I really do want to take a 
walk this morning, but I've
several e-mails to write
and answer . . .

living and learning
when will my lessons be done
blowing in the wind

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