May 14, 2021


Today has finally arrived . . .
I actually feared it never would
And yet, here it is!

There are still a few things to
do, to load, to prepare. Have to
water the plants and wash the 
dishes. But, things are shaping up.
Still, you know it's not a proper 
trip if you don't forget something!

We're driving up the back way.
Parts of the trip aren't even on 
the map. Still me thinks, we'll 
find our destination.

The kids await us. Their friends
will just have to put up with us.
But maybe, when they see we
bring that age ole peace offering
of margs, they'll forgive our

The birthday gift is to be a very
sophisticated bow and arrow. 
There should be a great deal of
target practice. I bet this is going
to be a highlight.

For moi, it's sitting 'round the 
campfire, listening to those tales
out of school and trying to recall
if I were ever that young . . .

what its all about for me
pray it measures up

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