May 27, 2021


How lovely it is to find out that 
surprises are still alive and well . . .

Out of the blue, our neighbors, 
our friends, called and asked us 
out to lunch to a place we had 
never been. 

Just the unexpected of it all was 
delicious, but the cafe bar was 
such a neat place. I immediately 
liked the owner, as well as his 
young children, a boy and a girl. 
They were helping out; so loved 

The place, lovely! The ambiance, 
fabulous! The company, delightful.
And the food . . . well, you can be
sure we'll be going back.

The world has been in a difficult
place of late. I have found it hard
to be here. And, just when I've
reached a point of no return, a
sweet, sweet gesture reminds me
all is not lost.

I loved the surprise! So enjoyed
the afternoon. But, the real gift
was the gift of hope and for this
I am most grateful!

a world of sorrow
finally a seed of hope
turn abouts fair play

Dedicated to Heidi and Wade.
Bless you and thank you ever
so much!


My Favorite Colors

    light black
    medium black
    pitch black
    pastel black
    neon black
    faded black
    off black
    matte black
    black on black


I did think I'd grow out of it sooner
or later. But, I've been wearing nothing
but black for roughly 15 years and my 
love for it doesn't seem to be going 
away! There's naught like it . . . 'tis the 
most wondrous non-color in the entire 

Sooooo, little by little, right?! A couple
of years ago, I added in a bit of green
accent. Not just any green, understand, 
but a very special green.

My sweet girl gifted me a lovely blue
silk blouse this weekend. I look at it,
like it and want to wear it . . . but, it's
neither black nor green. Me thinks I
may be far too eccentric for my own

I can't help but wonder if turquoise 
counts as a different color? Oh right! 
I only wear green turquoise!

so love me some black
too much beauty in rainbows
whats with me and black

May 26, 2021



Life is so precious; me thinks we
don't realize just how much until
it is lost.

We lost Gris 15 years ago. Alas,
today would have been her 65th. 
I found it so hard to cope with 
the loss of such a beautiful friend. 
She truly meant the world to me.

For those of us who have battled
suicide for years, the pain of losing
a dearest and best to that monster
is beyond heartbreak. 

No one wants to die in this horrible
manner. We get that the pain is most
unbearable for those we leave behind.
Our struggles to not leave this way
are epic, but we continue to fight, 
no matter what!

I pray Griselda rests in peace. I
pray I may continue my own fight
and win my own battles with SADS.
I know she would want me to.

'Tis never a goodbye Gris; hasta
luego . . . sé que te veré pronto.
Ni te imagines lo que te extraño.

May 25, 2021


Now it's, "Back in the real world" 
Or is it, "Back in the saddle again" 
Perhaps, "I need to bite the bullet" 

I always find coming home so 
interesting . . . understatement of
the day! Indeed, I love the joy of
coming home, finding everything

But as you settle in, recalling the
precious moments you left behind,
there is a sense of the bereft. Can't
help but wonder if that's why we
always forget something?! That
little promise of, "I'll come back
to get you later," kind of thing.

Today in real life, I must away to
the dentist . . . how's that for a
reality wake up call?! I'd cancel,
but, I've not been in for a couple
of years. ~!@#$%^&*()_+

reality check
id rather a fairy tale
me thinks my heart hurts

May 24, 2021


A myriad of feelings plague my soul
as we wrap up my daughter weekend,
as I tend to think of it. We've spent
such precious time together, as well
as getting to share a couple of meals
with my grandson and his wife.

It bears reiterating . . . family is ever
and always precious, but as one grows
older, it becomes ever more so . . .
As I've always loved my family more
than life itself, it's hard to understand
how one could love them even more . . .

There are so many delightful ways
to say I love you . . . cooking their
fave meals, trying on each other's
clothes, telling tales out of school, 
having a good cry together.

Me thinks the love of a parent towards
their children borders on the divine. I
imagine 'tis precious few times in life
that one even pretends to understand
divinity. Still, saying this brings about
the realization that parental love for
one's children is the closest we'll most
likely ever come.

gifts of the divine
understanding miracles
so beyond grateful

May 22, 2021


Today, I was much touched by
the joy I found in talking, laughing,
sharing, visiting with my daughter.

Harking back to when I was a young
mother, I still remember those same
sweet moments. Obviously, there
were differences, but . . .

She was a storyteller even when 
she was still lisping. She would 
bring me her tales out of school
and I remember being amazed
at her command of vocabulary,
imagination and emotion.

She would explain to me in her
sweet, little girl voice that she
was telling a story built around
a given incident and that she
knew the difference between
the inspiration and the story

Part of me felt bad that she
needed to give said preamble.
Me thinks 'twas the price of
making certain she understood
the concept of embellishment. 

Watching as she entered school,
learned to read and continuously
increased her vocabulary . . .
and then in learning English,
those skills continued in place.

As a Lang Arts teacher, I doubly
value her gifts and the joy she
has brought me over the years . . .

one in a million
living her own narrative 
brings joy to my soul


Being nigh onto a hundred years
old, okay 71, I find my addiction
to our modern day technology
to be somewhat fascinating!

I don't have a smart phone, but
I do have a laptop. I begin each
day with it literally on my lap
as I lay back in bed and write
my daily blog.

Oh, and then I need to scroll
through Facebook in order to
know how everyone is doing.
There are messages to be read,
written and answered.

When least I expect it, I see
something I want to know
more about, so internet here
I come! Heaven forbid, I 
should just read about my
interests in books.

Alas, I have come to realize
that I have no ground to
stand on when it comes to
criticizing the kids of today
for being glued to their
smart phones.

I really do want to take a 
walk this morning, but I've
several e-mails to write
and answer . . .

living and learning
when will my lessons be done
blowing in the wind

May 21, 2021


Family time; most amazing . . .

It occurs to me that as one gets
older, family becomes ever so
much more important.

I don't know if we take family
for granted in our younger years
or if it's because we live so far
from each other that getting
together is far more difficult.

Me thinks 'tis never too late.
It's happening now and that's
what's important. It's so much
fun to get together and suss out
where we each came from and
how we're related. Seeing the
other side of everything we
thought we knew . . . most

It's delightful to hear those tales 
out of school. And, I find this 
sense of connection as we chat 
and share. Looking at each other
from deep within, I see those
familial bonds growing.

How fortunate we are to still have
time to meet and greet, to learn
anew to like and to love.

Here's to family, far and wide . . .

we are family
sister sledge says it so well
still time to enjoy

May 20, 2021


Alas, I am no gardener . . .

Still, I so appreciate the gifts 
Mother Earth and real gardeners 
bring to the table.

A dear friend of mine asked me if
she could give me some marigolds.
I was well pleased as it is our 
special flower in Mexico for the
three-day celebration of Days of 
the Dead.

I asked her how many and she
answered she had a dozen . . .
What she neglected to say was
that there were twelve seedlings
in each little black box. I only
didn't faint because the floor 
was so hard!

Just guess how I spent yesterday!
Still, it was interesting and even
a bit fun. I planted them in my
whiskey barrels, probably way
too close together, but they're

Another friend gifted me three
unusual tomato plants. I'm so
excited about these and pray
they survive and bring their
fruit to my table.

What interesting lives you
gardeners must lead . . .

from seeds to seedlings
gardening a precious gift
from earth to table

May 19, 2021


Yesterday, I was so down with 
SADS I could barely cope; it 
was god awful. And now today,  
I awake feeling the anticipation 
of a good day. Wherein lies the 

Yesterday, foul weather;  today,
fine. Strange how weather can 
make such a difference in one's 
moods. I'm so looking forward 
to Summer!

Since today promises some fine,
how shall I spend it? Thinking
of Shakespeare, "Let me count
the ways . . . "

For one thing, we're going to
get out and about. Something
we don't do very often per se,
but especially since the plague.
I hope we eat out, we'll just
have to see.

ramblings and musings
let me see what the day brings
not too much to say

May 18, 2021


Sooooo no can do believe the fierce 
hail, as well as heavy rain storm of
last evening! I am beyond grateful
that my guy, strong and tall, stood 
by my side as I trembled in fear.

The fear was innate! The incredibly
sonorous thunder, booming well
within range, simply invoked fear.

I do know that Colorado needs
moisture and I pray this does the 
trick. I also know my library is
flooded and not bound to dry out 
any time soon! Crazy times!

Ever so glad we were home and
unloaded by the time the brouhaha
began its deluge! I can't believe I
even got any sleep.

Me thinks the gods were both serving
Mother Earth as well as scaring the
bejesus out of her faithful few. Yay
for our much needed water! Perhaps,
well worth the price!

dreading her deluge
beauty in fear nonetheless
our terrain gives thanks

p.s. . . . and then it snowed; go figure!

May 17, 2021


Ahhhhh, 'tis the last day . . .

There's anticipation on both ends
of the stick, but the feelings are
somehow different. At first, you 
can hardly wait to get the hell out
of town! Yet, just a few days later,
you're looking forward to heading
home . . . to getting home.

Same with the trip leaving town
and the trip going home. Same
distance, same anticipation,
Same! SAME!! S A M E !!! Yet
different. Nothing in this world
quite like those pesky feelings.

Finally getting home, it's less
fun unpacking from the trip than
packing for the trip. To and fro,
getting everything into the house.
Getting the washer going, putting
things away, getting mud from
the rain everywhere, sweeping
up, and fussing over who gets
the shower first.

Once sacked out and snacking
(too tired to cook, then comes
the review . . . Getting caught
up with family, shooting arrows
with the new bow, sitting by the
fire telling tales out of school.
Eating all those fun high-cal
snacks, the hugs and embrace.

Rather makes you all excited
for the next trip all over again!

likes me some camping
loves me my family time
needs me go again


This morning, I watch as my guy
throws the football with the kids.
I have fun pouring over lil stones
with my granddaughter. Sneaking
a cupcake and eating ice cream at
odd hours is the fun of the grands,
all while mom looks the other way.

It's a sunny, windy day, just the
antidote to the cold snowy ones
we've been living through. And,
this kind of weather does allow
for the kids to be out and about.

In talking with my stepdaughter,
she reminds me that what we're
about is making memories. And,
I can actually see it!

The trip itself, the good weather,
playing with the dogs, taking walks,
collecting rocks, discussing topics
of interest . . . all good!

So, I do get that making memories
just may be what it's all about . . .
and not just for the children, but
for the adults as well.

What I'm going to take away from
this weekend is our time shared,
controversial conversations, good
rest, and love . . . love most of all!

i so needed this
a different kind of heaven
can we come again


Taking care of my health a bit for
the last three years may actually
be paying off! I walked a long way
on the flats this morn and collected
a couple of pockets of small stones.

These may even have more meaning
as they represent my first long walk
in an enormity of time. Each time I
see them, it will serve as a reminder
that I can do this and more.

Catching up with the kids is delightful
as well as Mama Earth on the flat. We
are so used to seeing her in all of her
mountainous glory that the flatlands
are a bit of a different kind of treat.

I watch the grandkids entertaining
themselves in the great outdoors . . .
They dig in the earth, collect their
own rocks and play endless hours
at whatever their imaginations
come up with. Most wondrous!

I find myself grateful that we can
still find still find places that aren't
filled to the nines with people and 
all their accompanying noise. I 
believe I'll go home refreshed and

mother earth blesses
anywhere and wherever
welcome to her dance

May 14, 2021


Today has finally arrived . . .
I actually feared it never would
And yet, here it is!

There are still a few things to
do, to load, to prepare. Have to
water the plants and wash the 
dishes. But, things are shaping up.
Still, you know it's not a proper 
trip if you don't forget something!

We're driving up the back way.
Parts of the trip aren't even on 
the map. Still me thinks, we'll 
find our destination.

The kids await us. Their friends
will just have to put up with us.
But maybe, when they see we
bring that age ole peace offering
of margs, they'll forgive our

The birthday gift is to be a very
sophisticated bow and arrow. 
There should be a great deal of
target practice. I bet this is going
to be a highlight.

For moi, it's sitting 'round the 
campfire, listening to those tales
out of school and trying to recall
if I were ever that young . . .

what its all about for me
pray it measures up

May 13, 2021


Today is a long awaited day . . .
My bestie is coming and I 
haven't seen her in ever so long!

This got me to thinking about all
the good things I've overlooked 
due to immersing myself so deeply 
in Winter Weather Hate! My bad!

Two sunny days in a row . . . 
me thinks a celebration is in order.
And, when my friend arrives, that's
exactly what we'll have! Still, this
has me thinking . . .

Yesterday, we got to eat out when
we went grocery shopping. An
added treat, our fave restaurant 
makes the best margs ever! Add
to that . . . fab, fab, fab Mexican

Got to see a fun flick once we got
settled in. And it occurs to me, 
these little every day treats are
what life is all about. One doesn't
have to travel abroad in order to
enjoy life . . . and we get to see
the kids this weekend.

so long sir winter
got my positive going
need to drink to that

May 12, 2021


Me thinks my guy gets me! 
He's taking me out today . . . 
Pray, Universe bless him!

Seems ever since the plague,
we've been home bound. Our
own get-aways have been to 
go to SAMS once every two 
or three months. They have 
a 7:00 a.m. senior morning, 
so we've figured it's a tad 
less risky.

Speaking of risks, we're
actually going to eat out
today. We haven't seen the
owner in so long that we're
taking her flowers. Depending
on the time, we may even 
have a margarita.

I imagine this plague, as I am
deemed to call it, affects we
oldsters less than it does you
youngsters. I would have to 
say though, it has brought a
renewed joy in the little things.

Someone dropping by, a special
card in the mail, a package on
the doorstep, an unexpected call,
a fab movie . . . It doesn't have
to be big nor expensive to be a
gift . . . 

good things to recall
gifts in all shapes and sizes
wrapping not required

May 11, 2021

05/11/2021 - SADS

"I wish I could tell you how hard it 
is to live in a world where everyone 
thinks so highly of you, yet all you 
know is what falling apart really looks 
like." ~Stevie Flood

Holding myself tightly, I made it thru
Winter, all the while praying for Spring.
Sobbing in despair, I found Winter had
highjacked Spring and this season I'd
longed for was nowhere to be found.

A reprieve for Mother's Day, and then,
Mr. Winter is back at it. It snowed all
day and everywhere I look, 'tis white.
I walk to the mailbox to pay my bills
and am baptized with its heavy falling.

Alas, there are only six weeks left of
this imposter calling himself Spring.
I pray I live long enough to see a day
in which I can sit outside and maybe
even sip slowly on a margarita!

Here's sending love, peace and hope
to my fellow sufferers of SADS. We
have to make it, one way or another.

so longing for spring
green bits peeking through the snow
will this never end

May 10, 2021

Diez de Mayo del Año 2021 - Día de las Madres

Tan bellos son mis recuerdos del
Día de las Madres en México. Pues,
ahí nacieron mis hijos, amores de mi

Recuerdo estando recién embarazada
con mi hijo Luis, mi esposo me celebró 
el 9 de Mayo, el día de las pre-madrecitas,
según él.  Qué lindo!

Mis años en México, de los 17 a 37 años 
de edad, son bellos más allá del más allá!
Bien recuerdo a mis amigas y vecinas con
sus hijos, siendo madres como yo jamás
había visto. 

Abrazos, besos, las acurrucadas cuando 
lastimados y un buen chanclazo cuando 
mal portados. Me acuerdo de las historias
contadas, las sonrisas, el orgullo de las mamás. 
Premios grandes y castigos pequeños, pero
las doña madres amaban como Dios mismo.

Obviamente, las madres en todo el mundo
adoran a sus hijos y darían sus vidas por
ellos. Muy sin embargo, me parece que es 
la pasión de la mujer Mexicana que las 
hace madres tan fenomenales.

Cómo extraño a dichas madres, sus maneras
de ser, las lecciones que me enseñaron, el
cariño manifestado ante el mundo entero.
Rezo para que un día sea yo tan grande de
corazón como ellas . . . las venero!!!

amor de madres
el cariño sin igual
don de los dioses

*Dedicated to Linda Ferreira, she
who healed me in times of sorrow . . .

May 9, 2021

05/09/2021 - Mother's Day

As I love being a mother, today brings
to mind other mothers that we have
known, loved and must honor.

Mother Mary Teresa Bolaxhiu, honored 
in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of 
Calcutta, was an Albanian-Indian Roman
Catolic nun and missionary. She was born
in Skopje. 1910 - 1997. Wikipedia

Mother Frances Cabrini, Italian-American
nun who founded the Missionary Sisters of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus to support fellow
Italian immigrants to the United States. She
was the first U.S. citizen to be canonized as
a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.
1850 - 1917. Wikipedia

Marie Curie, first woman to win a Nobel Prize
and mother of Irene Joliot-Curie who co-won
the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with her husband
for their own work with radio activity.
1887 - 1934. ~Suzanne Raga

Sojourner Truth and her baby daughter escaped
slavery, rescued her illegally sold son and went
on to become a Christian preacher in New York
City speaking about the Bible, abolition and
women's suffrage. 1797 - 1883. ~Suzanne Raga

Abigail Adams, First Lady, single-handedly ran
their farm, wrote letters supporting equal rights
for woman and abolition of slavery, and educated
their five children including future president John
Quincy Adams. 1744 - 1818 ~Suzanne Raga

Irena Sendler, smuggled out almost 2500 Jewish
children during the Holocaust, giving them false
documents, placed them in convents, orphanages,
and Christian homes. Arrested, tortured, sentenced 
to execution, never gave any information about the 
children or her smuggling operation. 1910 - 2008. 
~Suzanne Raga

Esther Veatch Jennings, amazing woman and mom,
dedicated her life to her blind and special needs son
as well as serving her local community in Special
Education Services. Worked for the Atomic Energy
Commission for 30 years, garnering many awards
and much recognition. 1928 - 2016  ~ld Jennings

May we ever honor them, our mothers . . .

loves me being mom
mother mom mum ma mamá
the greatest honor

May 8, 2021


Love that my dad named me Linda-Dale.
I tend to see this as Linda, right brain and 
Dale, left brain. And at this point, me thinks 
Linda and Dale are fighting a duel. Added 
to that, I was born a Libra. Fear I may be 
the most unbalanced Libra I've ever known. 
Just found this most comforting piece. Enjoy!

"Balance is key. In everything you do. Dance
all night long and practice yoga the next day.
Drink wine, but don't forget your green juice.
Eat chocolate when your heart wants it and
kale salad when your body needs it. Wear
high heels on Saturday and walk barefoot 
on Sunday. Go shopping at the mall and then
sit down and meditate in your bedroom. Live
high and low. Move and stay still. Embrace
all sides of who you are and live your authentic
truth! Be brave and bold and spontaneous and
loud and let that complement your abilities to
find silence and patience and modesty and 
peace. Aim for balance. Make your own rules
and don't let anybody tell you how to live
according to theirs." ~Rachel Brathen

Sooooo love this. I may end up reading 
it every morning before I begin my days. 
It's brilliant in is conception as well as 
comforting to the soul! Balance! Just
think about it!

pondering balance
succor for body and soul
learning every day

May 7, 2021


As I've said before, I truly do make
an effort to live in the now. I would
even confess to doing a pretty good
job of it. But as long as I'm confessing,
I may as well admit to getting quite
wrapped up in anticipation.

A friend of mine is coming in from 
out of town this evening. I pray I
enjoy the day whilst awaiting her
arrival. Silly things enter my mind . . . 

Will it be warm enough to sit outside?
Will it be too warm to build a fire?
I want to make Mexican food, per
usual, but I seem to recall that there
are some things she can't eat. 

I hark back to a somewhat distant
past, wondering if I've always been
like this. Maybe I was; maybe I took
things more in stride. Who knows?!

I find myself wondering if age brings
us to a place where even the smallest
things are enjoyed and treasured?! I
like this. What's the point of life if
we don't enjoy all its nuances?!

Me thinks 'tis about paying attention!
Perhaps, that business in our lives
blinds us a tad and I want to SEE!

ever loving life
take notice its important
stay awhile longer

May 6, 2021


'Tis the morning of the day after . . .
 It's sunny out there; let's go out 
and play!

I can just feel a spring day saunter
coming on. That rock shop near my
fave restaurant is calling my name.
And speaking of my fave restaurant,
I'm certain that I must eat there today.

It's been such a long, long winter. It
started whilst we were still in autumn
and has lasted well into spring. Me
thinks we've been taken advantage of
this time around!

So, it's out and about that I need to 
be. I have a list, a list of all that I've
missed out on since our non-existent
spring began. I may even take a few
shekels out of my paltry savings to
celebrate properly.

Me thinks I'll dress up a tad and get
my ass out there. Best part is, my
lover is on the same page with me.
Bet we're going to have one hell of
a day!

I'm so excited I feel a dance coming 
on . . . a jig perhaps!

a day on the town
getting drunk on mister sun
fab weather awaits

May 5, 2021

05/05/2021 - Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo, an annual celebration
held on May 5. The date is observed 
to commemorate the Mexican Army's 
victory over the French Empire at the
Battle of Puebla, May 5, 1862, under
leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza. 

I've written about this in years past. 
I have so many things to celebrate;
sooooo love me my celebrations! 
I get as excited as a school kid! 
Obviously, there's the historical 
significance alluded to above.

But for me, Cinco de Mayo is far
more personally sacred than any
political holiday. I honor May 5th 
lo these 40 plus years and so do 
NOT wish to change nary a thing 
in this personal history.

My daughter, my namesake, my
mother's namesake, mother of 
my grandsons . . . ever a queen 
in my very existence.  So, what 
does she bring to the door of my 

I believe the word I'm looking 
for is connection . . . that etherial
connection within our heritage.
That tie that binds from the great
grands, to the grands, to the parents
to the children, to the grandchildren.

The embodiment of strength, passion,
honesty, pride in her work, a friend,
ever upholding her belief system . . .
my shero. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

Pray she live long upon the land . . .
Deuteronomy 5:16

May 4, 2021


Being somewhat of a Nervous Nellie,
I find myself asking the question,
"What does it take to bring a sense
of peace, calm, relief to oneself?"

I went to the bank early this a.m. and
got my affairs in order. I came home,
took care of the mail, dishes, trash,
and then sat by the fire. That's when
it occurred to me . . . I had somehow
settled down in my soul and didn't
feel anxious any longer.

It was telling! Suss out what you can,
what you're able. . . run your errands,
do a few chores. Then, treat yourself 
to something you find relaxing. 

I'm not certain it will always be this
simple, but me thinks it's high time
I try a few ideas on for size! One
thing I find comforting, I'm about 
a hundred years old, and I'm still
learning every single day!

I'll confess though, I do wonder
when the hell this wisdom of the
ages is supposed to kick in?!

loathe anxiety
where oh where to find relief
pray bestow answers

May 3, 2021


"March winds and April showers
bring forth May flowers."
~George Latimer Apperson,
Dictionary of Proverbs, 1886

Here was me thinking it was May!
So, I took myself out at o' dark thirty
yesterday and washed down the 
summer chairs outside.

My bad! So, I just might be the one
responsible for bringing down the 
May showers, much needed that they

Having confessed to that, someone
else needs to own up to bringing in
the snow. I want nothing to do with

Here's hoping you are all enjoying
Springtime in the Rockies!

"Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day!"
*Dates back to the reign 
of Queen Elizabeth, 1588

raining or snowing
loving me some weather NOT
will spring never come
~ld jennings

May 2, 2021


May has always been a whirlwind 
month to me. 'Tis filled with those
special holidays . . . May Day, 
Mother's Day, Día del Maestro, Día 
del Estudiante and birthdays ahoy . . . 
most important being my mom's and 
my daughter's on Cinco de Mayo . . . 
sooooo fun!

When I was teaching in Mexico,
the teachers used to say, "What's
the point of teaching in May?!" I
get it! We just went from one 
celebration to the next. The kids
loved it!

I find myself pondering, what is
it I want out of May? I have come
to this gut wrenching revelation 
that we've only been existing thru
the past 20 or so months! It's high
time to rise and shine as my gram
used to say.

I want to be reborn with the warmth
of May. I want, nay need, to get out
and about. I look forward to seeing
people, eating together, reminiscing!
What's Mama Nature up to these
days. Me thinks a few long drives
will tell me.

Winter's finally over; Spring never
happened! And, I'm sooooo ready
for Summer. The plague may not
be done with us yet, but we're
finding ways of coping.

Let's get the hell out of Dodge!!!

may day holidays
dancing in moonlight awaits
celebrate live joy

May 1, 2021

05/01/2021 - May Day

I thought May would never come!
I waited and waited and the time
simply did NOT fly! I so welcome 
May. What are the names? May Day, 
Walpurgisnaht, Beltane! 

I must confess, I'm all about Beltane!
I love the historical background, the
tales out of school, the internationality, 
the celebrations, the spirituality involved!

So, what makes May Day, Beltane? In
reality, Beltane came hundreds of years
before May Day. In Pagan lore, Beltane
is a wondrous occasion commemorated
with total joy!

Circles of women, families and children
celebrate Beltane with music, dancing, 
festivities of every kind. It is the most 
glorious of all Pagan celebrations of 

I find myself wowed by the familial
connections, the likes and the loves 
shared on the occasion. Picnics, special 
foods, decor collected over the year prior. 
May poles of yesteryear, each one out
doing the previous.

Bottom line, we're talking joy, joy of the
ages, joy shared with the now! I like that!
'Tis a rare thing in this day and age, when
we share joy rather than the sorrows of

Pray, celebrate the joys of Beltane; your
soul will be the better for it . . .

gift felicity
joy is what its all about
celebrate with me