Apr 30, 2021

04/30/2021 - Día del Niño

I so love April 30th. In old Mexico, 
we celebrate this day, Día del Niño,
(Day of the Child). It is a glorious
celebration of innocence, childhood
glee and joy abounding.

This got me to pondering on my own
child within. Me thinks we're so often
busy being responsible adults that we
forget our own child. And, this child 
does exist, make no mistake.

She sings along, at top voice, when
alone with the car radio. He kicks
something when things don't go right.
She sneaks that midnight bowl of ice
cream, chuckling to herself all the while.
He swears, she cries; we all giggle.

So, what would be wrong with simply
acknowledging this kid, an actual 
part of our psyche?! Recognizing that
we all have childish moments, kid-like
whims, that little bit of immaturity 
sneaking out?!

Once the child within is let out of the
closet, it's easier to deal with our own
silliness, whims and longings. So
what if you feel like an ice cream
bar around midnight?! Why does it
matter if you break down and cry over
a stubbed toe? Enjoy that fun video
game in the middle of the afternoon.
Let's celebrate our children!

Hey, my name's Mathilda . . . Come
on over and play . . .

missing my childhood
need a rest from adulthood 
longing for timeout

Apr 29, 2021


It's too hot; no, it's too cold. He's too
tall; she's too short; too bad we can't
put them in the blender. I'm too fat;
but, she's too skinny; wish I could
look better . . .

Are we never satisfied? Do we always
complain about the weather? Or, our
weight, our years, our health? I fear 
it gets worse with age! I find myself
wondering if I am somehow turning
into a proper complainer!

How does one beat the stereotype?
How do we seek contentment and
acceptance? What's to be done in
order to lose all the negativity that
goes along with our complaints? 

Gratitude may be one answer. High
time we sat back and had a damn
good look! Remember when mom
used to say, "Eat your oatmeal right
now; there are starving children all 
over the planet!"

Frankly, everywhere we were to
look, there are people in far better
and far worse situations than us. 
So, what's the answer, already?!

Acceptance might be another answer.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't grow
or long for improvement . . . but,
never Bill Gates will we be! I would
hate to think if I ducked out of the
rat race on the morrow, that my last
thought would be, "Why couldn't I
have had more of this or more of that?"

Let's enjoy life! Let's live rather than
exist! 'Tis time to grow up already!

im fab as i am
heres me dancing in the now
bring on that music

Apr 28, 2021


Weather is such an interesting

Today, we sat by the fire, enjoying 
the sun coming through the windows,
blue skies and drifting white clouds.

Then, as if a magician had waved
his wand, the sky began to darken.
It was almost palpable! Bright blue
to light gray to darker grey to dark!

Thereupon, the rumbles began. 
Hadn't heard thunder like that in 
forever! Lightening zigzagging 
across the sky twice over in both 

Expecting a proper downpour, 
we were suddenly pelted with
hail. Small, but deadly. I wanted
to feel it! I stepped outside the
door for just an instant . . . and
paid the price. O U C H !!!

Rain followed and continued.
Funny how I don't find the rain
nearly as depressing as snow!
Go figure!

nature in a mood
mother being capricious 
enjoying herself

Apr 27, 2021

04/27/2021 - Walking Sticks

I find walking sticks a great joy.
Somehow they speak to me in
a kind of comfort, if you will.

Whilst on walks in our nature, 
a perfect walking stick may 
await you. It's important to keep 
an eye out for that special find.

Go for about 5' to 5.5' in length.
The limb or stick needs to be as
straight as possible to bear your
weight safely. An inch and a half
to two inches is a good width.

Once home with your prize, all
knobs and protrusions can be
lopped off.  Sever the bottom
end straight across for greater
security. The same may be done
to the top unless it is particularly

Stand the stick straight up for a
measure. About shoulder height
or a tad lower, drill a hole through
and through. A double length of 
leather can be threaded through 
and knotted for a perfect hand 

At this point, decor can begin.
a special stone or crystal can
be glued in a crevice at the top.
A thin copper wire can be
spiraled round and round your
stick if appealing. Symbols of
choice can be carved at different
points. A tuft of feathers can be
glued into the top. Anything goes!

I like to take mine out in Mother
Nature, show it off and silently
as for her blessing for my walks
in her bounty and beauty. This
would be a personal choice of
course. Happy walking . . .

Apr 26, 2021

04/26/2021 - Moon Water

I'm not certain as to the magick of
Moon Water. Still, I find myself 
attracted to the ceremonial part of
the entire venture. 

I like to choose a special time for
exact reasons. For example, a New
Moon might serve for the beginning
of a new project. A Full Moon would
perhaps represent the completion
thereof. For me, from New Moon to
Full Moon is a time of acquiring,
whereas the Full Moon to the New
Moon is a time of letting go.

So, were I to begin a special project
around the New Moon period, I'd
wash my grandmother's blue canning
jars, fill them with water along with
three specially selected crystals and 
put them outside at sunset. I would
get up at dawn to bring in the jars at
what would be moonset and sunrise.

What would I do with the water once
I brought it into the house? I like to
water ailing plants with this special
brew. If I find myself hurting for any
reason, I like to drink a small glass
during my meditation. If I find I have
something unwanted on my face or
body, I like to wash it with Moon 

Is this important? Is it real? Does it 
work? All I know is that I much
enjoy the procedure. If there is a bit
of magick to be had, all the better.
This works for me and I love it!


Apr 25, 2021

04/25/2021 - Smudge Sticks

"In addition to warding off insects
and disease, shamans commonly
burned sacred plants and used their
smoke to ascend their intentions
to the heavens; a way to connect 
the material and spiritual worlds."
Smudge Sticks are one of the tools
I find endearing in my celebrated
tradition. I'm enamored from their
historical incipience to their modern
day usage.

Every summer, my guy drives me
up above the New Castle area to
collect fresh sage from the side of
the road. I only collect a wee tad
every few feet and make certain
not to touch the roots. It would be
evil to diminish Mother Nature's

Arriving home, I shower, change
and enter a state of meditation to
begin working with the sage. The
sticks must be created whilst the 
sage is fresh. 

I take an appropriate amount of 
sage, hold it tightly as I wrap it 
with natural hemp string up one
side and down the other. Once
wrapped, I trim each end and lay
it out to dry.

I play with a bit of art in the third
round. Sometimes, I'll insert a bud
just before wrapping. A different
color herb makes a nice contrast.
I've even used a cinnamon stick.
I choose to gift these as I believe
they stray too far from the spiritual
for my purposes.

I am ever so grateful for sage; 
make no mistake . . .

Apr 24, 2021

04/24/2021 - Sacred Ash

What is Sacred Ash?
Sacred Ash, depicting its name
perfectly, is a specially prepped
ash to be used in sacred purposes.

How is it prepared?
1) A specifically sacred day for
the burning and prepping must
be chosen. Earth Day is perfect.
2)The pit where the ash is to be
prepped and garnered, must be
cleaned out in its entirety. 
2) Virgin wood, consisting of 
limbs and small pieces must be
gathered. No other woods are
4) Any fire starters used, must
be of the same ilk. No papers
or other foreign objects may be
used for this purpose.
5) The following day, cull the
ashes through a sifter. Remains
in the sifter may be returned to
the fire pit for later burning. A
couple of tablespoons of ash 
may be placed in a small, sealed
bag for later use.

How is it used?
Place a dot of sacred ash on the
forehead prior to meditation, I
like to add it to the soil used in
planting grandmother's violets.
It serves as fertilizer and growth
stimulant. I rub the ash on my
hands prior to any garden works.

How is it disposed
As I make it every year, I like to
dispose of any leftover ash the
day before Earth Day. I test the
direction of the wind and let it
sail away.

Note: Whether or not the sacred
ash has any special qualities is
not the issue. After going through
the process, one tends to be more
mindful of it use and meaning. I
find I pay a lot more attention to
grandmother's violets when I'm
caring for them in such a special

Apr 23, 2021

04/23/2021 - Morning of the day after . . .

Oh my God, an Earth Day never to be
forgotten! I would be the first to admit
that for once, the prep was nigh onto 
as much fun as the celebration.

Upon awaking at o' dark thirty, I came
downstairs and spent an hour or so
cleaning out the fire pit so that we'd
have a virgin fire. Out to the trash w/six
bags of ash and 5 or so inches snow.

A sweep and a cleanse, a lighting of
candles, a selection of special music,
and I called down my guy to make 
the fire. You can have no idea just 
how difficult it is to make a fire w/
wet virgin wood, bark and all. The 
idea  was to keep the fire as original 
as possible for collecting the sacred 
ash on the morrow.

My sweet man purchased and gifted
fresh grapes for our outdoor friends.
Birds of all kinds, chipmunks, black
squirrels . . . and a mapache (raccoon) 
that is driving him absolutely batty!
Me thinks, they adore him!

Then, began the sharing of messages
with friends of like lovings of Mama
Earth! Those thoughts, memories,
poetry shared and longings . . . naught
like it! I am ever so fortunate to have
women such as these in my life!

I have to laugh at our digging through
over a foot of snow to find that odd bit
of natural wood to bring to the fire.
Thank the gods that the fire was hot 
enough to burn thoroughly wet wood!
And, what a gorgeous fire it was the
entire day . . . ashes await the morn!

Will there ever be another Earth Day
such as this . . . I wonder?! I pray, I
be there . . .

my dear mother earth
me so loving our lady
pray tell how to serve

Apr 21, 2021

04/22/2021 - Earth Day

Earth Day, an annual event on April 22
demonstrating support for environmental
protection. First held on April 22, 1970,
it now includes a wide range of events 
coordinated globally by earthday.org
including 1 billion people in more than 
193 countries. Wikipedia

I was 20 years old and living in Old Mexico
when Earth Day came into play. We were all
beyond thrilled. Frankly, I don't believe any
one loves Mother Earth quite the way the 
Latin American countries do. I know that all 
over the world, there are issues with littering, 
mal use of inappropriate products, waste and
disrespect to our Mother in many ways.

The thing I keep telling myself, "Let it never
be me!" Because, it all starts at home, doesn't
it?! And, if each and everyone of us does our
bit, those phenomenal concentric circles
emanate outwards, often over crossing and
bringing her the satisfaction that we're paying
attention to business!

Perhaps, I'm not of an age to march, carry 
signs and make speeches. However, I am of
that ever perfect age to recycle, never litter,
re-use and donate. There are so many ways
in which we can honor our Mother. Let's
each celebrate her every way we can!

loving mother earth
hostess to our residing
pray be a good guest


Coming home . . . what an experience!

One tends to forget. In the space of just
a few hours, so many weather changes.
Sooooo wasn't expecting . . .

From blue skies and clouds . . . go to 
skies so dark, it felt like the end of the
world.  Not only that, we couldn't see
in front of our faces . . . not even the
red or green traffic lights. We'd come
right up to them before they revealed
themselves. Talk about, not only going
slow, but still slamming on brakes . . .
all the way!

Hours later, when we finally rounded
the corner to home, sweet home, it
rather felt apocryphal. We made it!
Wow! Quick, get the most essential
items in; it's starting to snow!

Trip after trip, only bringing in that
which couldn't be left out in the travel
trailer. Hurry! And, it had snowed 8"
whilst we were away . . . no path to
the cabin!

Finally in . . . cabin looks a mess, but
so be it! And then, "Oh my God, I just
remembered . . . " Deal with it, what
ever 'it' was . . . and then, "S--t, I just
thought of something I should have
done!" Whatever, three separate times
and I am sooooo hoping there are no
more remembrances!!!

Loved our long weekend with fam!
Not quite certain just why I love the
coming home as well! It's all good!

what an adventure
so love me some family
ever and always

Apr 20, 2021


I know my dad used to repeat that old
adage, "If you don't like the weather
in Colorado, wait 15 minutes!" But,
this weekend took the cake.

We traveled in high winds; snow began
upon our arrival and left its three plus
inches behind. Next day, we were able
to sit out in the sun and today we awake
to fog so dark it feels like the end of the
world! Just to be Colorado!

I saw a jest on our infamous FB about
a gal packing for a Colorado vacation.
In her suitcase, she had clothing for
every eventuality and even then was
questioning whether she had packed
for all occasions. Again, that would 
be our Colorado.

We're going to try and make it home.
Not. sure if we'll have to camp out, 
say 15 minutes from home, but it is
an idea to be considered!

Love being retired and not having a
nervous breakdown every time some
thing doesn't go my way and I'll be
late for work. Come on guys, get your
retired hat on, your fishing gear in the
truck and let's party!

I'll bring ice cold brewskies and snacks.
Sorry, I don't cook anymore! Wish I 
didn't eat anymore either!!!

course you're invited
im fun and games retired
want to come and play

Apr 19, 2021


Exciting day . . . got my 14th tat! I'm
going for 13 wild cat tats and 2 pan
tats and 1 redone! If you can overlook
the pain involved . . . 'tis an amazing,
several years' project! 

Since the wild cat is my totem, it's been
fun selecting different cats to immortalize
on my bod! My tattoo artist, Archie, has
done a phenomenal job! He tells me, this  
is the first time he's done a full body of 
work in wild cat heads. I also quite like 
the two symbols he's done on my upper 
arms, thus representing my core beliefs.

I've heard a rumor a couple of times or
three, that tattooing can become addictive.
Not certain I have the right to opine, but
me thinks 'tis most likely true. It's simply
been killing me to await my next tat
whilst this damn plague has been playing
itself out!

If Winter ever ends, and yes, I know
Spring was eclipsed, I'm going to have
to get in a wardrobe that shows off 
some of my tats. I've been dressing in
nothing but black for so long, can't
even visualize me in color. Maybe,
I'll continue the black and throw in
the odd colored scarf or some such! 

so love me some tats
saddens me wrong era born
fun at any cost

Apr 18, 2021


There is something to be said about
being able to watch the sun go down,
slowly but surely, the rays stretching
out along the mountain range . . .

 . . . Perhaps, only surpassed by the
incomparable beauty of the sunrise,
rarely seen in my tiny cul de sac.

It's made me think, there are many
sunrises and sunsets in the days of
our lives, we just have to see them,
watch for them.

There is a sunrise in the smile of
every happy child. There's a sunrise
in promises offered and kept, in rare
and unexpected phenomenal days.

Sunsets occur at the end of amazing
days, highlighting precious moments.
But, sunsets can also mark the end
of battles fought and won, the end
of sorrow.

Me thinks 'tis good to pay attention
to those unexpected sunrises and
sunsets . . . lessons to be learned
as well as honored . . .

sunrises begin
sunsets somehow never end
rising and setting

Apr 17, 2021


Seeing the children brings me once 
again to the realization of just how
important these connections are.

There's always a sense of anticipation
whilst preparing for that . . .
"Let's go see the kids this weekend!"

I find the excitement growing as we
pack, get out the pressies for the kids,
leave arrangements and finalize plans.

It doesn't matter if we always do the
same things . . . go pick up groceries,
order in pizza, make a few margs,
watch a fam movie . . . it's always
rather wondrous!

Now, here's something I've never 
quite understood; as our time together
comes to an end, my anticipation for
returning home grows. Guess it must
have sometime to do with the age old
adage, "There's no place like home."
Move over Judy; got the message!

adage tried and true
maybe there's no place like home
loving me my place

Apr 16, 2021


CWpoet posted a note this morning,
"just love" . . .

I think about love a great deal, all its
different kinds and meanings. The
three basic, best known . . .

    Eros - romantic 
    Philia - affectionate 
    Agape - unconditional 

We tend to think of eros as that love
between spouses and couples, whereas
philia is that which we feel for family
and friends. Agape, that holy, perfect
love, a godly love, perhaps the love a
mother feels for her children.

Dr. Carol Morgan has further broken
down philia, which she calls love 
between friends, into philautia, our self 
love. Many of us grew up believing not 
to indulge ourselves in ourselves. Today, 
we understand that it is important to love 
and care for ourselves in order to better
love, and serve others.

Morgan refers to storge as that parental
love towards children, thus separating
it even more from philia. I can actually
appreciate the love I feel for my own
babes being in a separate category. Me
thinks there is no greater love than that
for one's own.

I like pragma, that enduring love twixt
and tween those who have loved forever
and a day. I sooooo get this! I have those
childhood friends of fifty and sixty years.
I have friends I have learned to love in
my 35 year sojourn in the U.S. There is
a kind of adoring that goes on in these
long-term friendships.

I see ludus, playful love, as the beginning
of eros. I also get that not all playings in
the puddles of romantic love, go on to end
up in the oceans of eros. A lot of us like
to play a while before returning home
from vacation, as it were.

Perhaps, the one to watch out for is mania,
an obsessive love that can come to no good!
To be completely honest, we all have bits 
and pieces of mania . . . but, we try to watch 
out for them . . . we've all seen the movies, 
after all! 

Sooooo, when I tell you, "I love you six
ways to Sunday," watch out . . . you'll 
have no idea which of these eight I'm 
talking about!

so love me some friends
loving me my family 
my own even more

Apr 15, 2021


If you happen to be nigh onto a hundred
years old like me, you may well remember
Ann Landers and Dear Abby.

These two advice columnists were twin
sisters, each working for opposing dailies. 
We received The Daily Sentinel and our
neighbors, The Denver Post. So as a kid,
and getting a kick out of such things, I
managed to grow up reading both sisters.

The gals were adroit in choosing which
letters to post and answer.  There was
always a serious note or two. Usually,
there was one somewhat hilarious, and
yet other times, they would post a hoax.
Both sisters were clever in their answers
and delighted the masses.

As a country kid budding into bras and
periods, I was able to learn the odd thing
or two about the world without having to
continuously ask my parents embarrassing
questions, although I did plenty of that . . .

"How old will I be when I get my first kiss?
Do I have to stay in this religion? Who do
I have to be when I grow up? How will I
get the money for college? Do I ever get
to move away from here? Can I get a job
now? Will I ever get to see a movie?"

Looking back, I must have driven my
parents more than a bit nuts. But to this
day, I'm still asking questions and they
aren't around any more to answer them . . .

"Will I ever grow up? How much longer
do I get to live? Will I ever understand
life?  Why can't I get it right? What do
I do with all this sorrow? Do Heaven
and Hell really exist or are they just
pseudonyms for things we go through
here on earth? Will I ever stop weeping?"

Sometimes, I so wish my parents were
here to answer my questions. I'd even
settle for writing to Ann Landers or
Dear Abby, but they've entered their
own pearly gates by now.

Pray, who oh who, will answer all my 

ever on our quests
tis don quixote and i
want to go with us

Apr 14, 2021


"April showers bring May flowers."

Me thinks someone in charge of the
weather up there has gotten mixed up! 
Promise, cross my heart, it's the white 
and fluffy I'm seeing out there this morn 
and has naught to do with an April wet!

I'm going to make my best effort not to
get into a funk over this. However, we
were hoping to visit some of our kids
over the weekend and my daughter-in-
law and I have tats scheduled! Damn!

Maybe there's a clue here somewhere.
My guy insists that a 4-day snow might
just mean I'm supposed to get my ass
in the kitchen and make some of this
mole I've been writing about. Claims
his mouth is watering!

Here's to those wondrous winter sports, 
happy families and me sitting by the fire!

look out the window
angles at the pillow fights
so not in the mood

"April showers bring May flowers."
*Part of a poem recorded in 1610,

Apr 13, 2021

04/13/2021 - Mole Saga, Day 4

Now, I think we should have been able
to not only try the mole, but as women
involved in a three-day saga, we should
have made a proper meal of it at the end
of the day. Alas, not so . . . and frankly, I
felt my mouth had already been watering 
for several days.

This particular morning was all about
getting ready for the familial banquet.
One of the aunts was all about getting
both brown and black beans ground, 
seasoned and re-fried. Yet another tía 
was prepping all the ingredients for 
guacamole. And, not to forget three 
different kinds of rice; white, yellow 
and red.

There were three chickens on the bake,
being basted and assessed on a regular
basis. I may be a vegetarian, but I could
much appreciate the scents coming from
all directions!.

Family members began arriving. Some
brought flowers, others a bit of vino and
cervezas. Due to the numbers, the fiesta 
was going to be held outside. As people
settled into seats, the tías began bringing 
out plates with mole drenched chicken,
accompanied with rice and beans, guac
and salad. Me thinks the last supper pales!

Mexican people love family and friends,
eating together, playing music and sharing.
The oohs and awes being uttered around
the card tables were most likely music to
the aunts' ears! I would say that the banquet
went on for a couple of hours, but the fiesta
lasted well into the late evening hours.

Not sure whether I'll be allotted a place in
the celestial realm, but I do know I've visited
for several days . . .

Apr 12, 2021

04/12/2021 - Mole Saga, Day 3

Me thinks there will always be a bit
of magic in day three of anything. I
completely 'get' that there has to be
prep work in the worthwhile. And,
the prep work for the mole left me in
a state of anticipation barring none.

The ingredients favored by each chef
have to be the secret in the sauce, as
it were. Each of the women brought
and contributed different bits and
pieces of everything . . . from bread 
crumbs to herbs and spices.

By now, there truly was no space in
which to place things. Still, you could
tell that these gals had done plenty of
the same before. Things were moved
closer together and space created. The
different pots of pure chile sauce were
still in the back room.

Then began the discussion of which
ingredients would be used along with
all the whys and wherefores. For 
example, some of the women wanted
to use anise, a licorice flavored seed.
Those not caring for this particular
taste were quite against it. Again, I
could see that this very discussion 
had happened often before. I think 
they settled on using just a very little.

Fresh herbs were placed together next
to one of the blenders and the aunt in
charge got to work. Dry herbs were
in another corner of the room with yet
another blender and another aunt.

One aunt began straining different juices,
liquids and broths. Vegetable broth, beef 
and chicken broth were used to enhance 
flavor in the mole. I found it interesting 
that no bean broth was used. I did ask
about it and was told that the flavor was
too overwhelming.

I stood and watched, mouth agape and
hardly able to take it all in. Clockwork
would have paled in comparison to
these women at work. I wish I could
have seen it all in slow motion. I wish
the entire event could have been filmed
for the duration. I wished and wished . . .

It wasn't long before I was put to work.
I did everything from fetch and go, to
grinding bread crumbs in an age old
molcajete. Huge vats were brought out
and slowly but surely, chile and other
ingredients were mixed with long wooden

Then the tasting began, and with the
tasting, bits and pieces were added until
each of the cooks were satisfied. Our
three day prepping and cooking was
over . . . and the eating was just about
to begin.

Apr 10, 2021

04/11/2021 - Mole Saga, Day 2

The second day, I awakened to the 
anticipation of 'fem fam' and mole 
preconceptions. Me thinks I was as
excited as my wedding day! We had 
a quick coffee and some of Mexico's 
famous Pan Dulce and we were off. 

Pots sitting on ever orifice were now
getting all the attention. I imagined
we would drain the water but not so.
A couple of cups of both soaked chiles
and water were put in the blender. 
Once processed, the contents were put
through a tight strainer and then back
into the blender to be processed over
and over; once again strained.

There were so many pots of chiles that
one blender would have burned up with
so much usage. Looking back, I think
each of the women brought their blenders
so they could be traded off and rested.
Indeed, it took several hours to process
each of the different pots of chiles. 

No way, could all of the pots, now filled
with pure strained chile, been fit into any
normal refrigerator. So, they were placed
on the floor of a dark back bedroom and
covered with upside down lids. This way,
ice could be placed in each lid without
running off onto the floor.

Again, I felt the rigors of the day and 
looked forward to a rest, an eat and some
shared stories. I must say, there is no
experience that can compare to a group
of Mexican women, comfortable with
each other . . . laughing, jesting, and
telling tales out of school. I may or may
not have joined in, but mostly I sat there
in awe and wanted to be just like them
when I grew up.

It was a hot, hot day and as the evening
cooled off, there was porch and Corona
time. As much as I was enjoying, the
floor and my sleeping bag awaited me. I
fell asleep, smiling with the anticipation
of what the next day would bring.

04/10/2021 - Mole Saga, Day 1

The story behind the scenes . . .

I was a newlywed 19 year old when
the women of my husband's family
requested I come and meet with them
for three days. This was such an honor
and I was quite touched. Add in that
my spouse wasn't invited and the
suspense was almost unbearable.

Turns out that as the newest member 
of the family, I was to be taught the
age old family recipe for making mole.
Wow! Just W O W !!!

First of all, I had to promise that I'd
never share the recipe with anyone
other than my daughters. Secondly,
it was explained to me that this was
a three day process and I would learn
as we went along.

Ever so fun; there were several fam
women present. We sat in a circle
around the kitchen table and began
'plucking' dried chiles. By this, I mean
break off the stem, shake out as much
of the seeds as possible, throw it in
an awaiting pot of water and onto the

We sat, plucked, shared tales out 
of school, all of which made the 
never ending process doable! At 
the end of the day, looking around 
us, I could see pots of all sizes 
filled with water and dried chiles, 
just waiting to be turned into magic!

I was exhausted . . . so not used to
sitting for six hours or so, bending
over the chiles . . . stem, shake,
throw in a pot of water, over and
over again! 

And then I sneezed, my eyes watered
and you can guess what came next.
I swear, I screamed. With six or so
hours of chile on my hands, you can
imagine what it must have felt like
when I rubbed my eyes. Once I
recovered, we all had a good laugh,
but even to this day, this still happens.

Tonight, the chiles will soak; tomorrow
begins the saga of Day 2! 

To be continued . . .

p.s. No, I will not be breaking my word.
No recipes will be shared . . .

Apr 9, 2021


I was finding myself a bit down . . .
SADS is interesting; you never quite
know when it's going to hit you. And
when it does, watch out!

I've learned to be somewhat proactive,
so I built a fire, lit some candles, put on
some music and served myself a small
glass of wine. Scene set . . . and me at
the ready to feel better pronto!

And then SHE arrived. By 'she' I mean
my bestie. Once in a while she's able to
travel from parts unknown, spend some
time with me and virtually save my life.

We sat by the fire, wine in hand, the 
words simply pouring out of us . . .
should have been difficult to even
understand, but somehow it all made

We'd laugh, tear up, interrupt each
other, remember something and stick it
in the conversation one way or another.
What an evening; I pray I never forget it!

Frankly, I'm coming to the idea that I 
need to redefine those precious words;
friend, friendship. I get that we all have
our ideas, definitions, meanings of the
words. Still, when an amazing friend
of three decades encompasses every
idea you've ever had about friendship,
'tis time for a look see . . .

 . . . her name is Alice!

need me some friend time
friend by any other name
makes life bearable

Apr 8, 2021


It all started with my guy feeling
peckish. Add into that, he'd been
thinking of family, home and
childhood treats . . .

He came up to bed with his fave
cereal bowl. In it, he had broken
up an ice cream sandwich, added
proper ice cream and covered in
all in milk, if you can believe it!
He said it was nothing; he grew
up with Miracle Whip 'n banana

Rather made me think of my own
childhood crazies. Have you ever
had a dill pickle and peanut butter 
sandwich? Then there's the comfort
food of mac 'n cheese with Velveeta
cheese . . . and don't forget peanut 
butter filled celery sticks with raisins. 

I know! I know! It's all about being
kids . . . But wait, I seem to recall
being pregnant and yearning for
some of these . . .

Yikes! Yuck!! No way!!! NO!
Wouldn't be caught dead . . . 

crazy fetishes 
a walk down memory lane
color me yearning 

Apr 7, 2021


Feeling lucky . . .

I got to see my friend today. She hales
from my home town. We even got to
teach together for three years.

She is amazing! Friendship means so
much to her. She blows me away with
her commitment. It shows in every-
thing she does.

She thinks nothing of driving several 
hours to visit a bestie. She makes a 
point of staying in touch by making 
and sending handmade cards. She 
telephones from time to time. She
gardens and cans and shares. Wow!

In looking at our lives, the important
parts, me thinks we would do well to
realize that joy shared is the greatest
of all gifts!

We all live in that busy, busy, busy
state of mind. I rather like the idea
of stealing a few moments a day
from all that busy. 

It probably takes 15 minutes to write 
and stamp a postcard. An e-mail, a 
text, a phone call might rob you of 
a few minutes, but any of those will 
make someone's day!

Bet it will be fun to come up with
a couple of ideas for shining bright
on the dark days!

You are my inspiration . . .

so needs me some fun
tis a cold dark winter world 
lets invent some sun

Apr 6, 2021

04/06/2021 - Courage 4

I so enjoyed turning 70! Especially as 
my doc and three specialists gave me
only a couple of months to live after 
I cracked my skull open in a fainting.

But somehow, 71 brought down this
crashing reality . . . I'm in that last
quarter of the human life-span in
which I could go on the morrow or
live to 99. Frankly, it's hard to know 
just what to wish for . . . and God,
does this last round ever require

I forget things, important things! I
ask myself, "Is this from my cracked
skull accident in which I lost about
17% of my memory? Or, does it 
have to do with me being about 100
years old?"

I have black and blue marks on my
bod that I have zero idea when and
where I got them. Sleeping patterns
are now nonexistent  . . . If I have a
cup of coffee, that night is out the
window . . . although I usually sleep
about 10 hours the next day!

I'm in that place where I tell friends
a story and I can see in their eyes
and reactions they've only heard it
about sixteen times! I find myself
longing, nay . . . NEEDING to see
my children more often, something
to do with my fear, I suppose, that 
I'm on my way out!

So, me thinks 'tis time to leave my
thoughts on courage and get off my
duff and enjoy whatever time the
gods decide to gift me! And, maybe
you should come and visit and I'll
regale you with a few tales out of
school for the sixteenth time!

bring on the courage
ill take it at any price
cannot go out lame

p.s. Thanks Pat, guess I needed this!
Here's to courage for both of us!

Apr 4, 2021

04/05/2021 - Courage 3

This walk down memory lane 
has been hard, really rough . . . 
but, I'm not sorry for having 
taken a look see . . .

I so thank the Universe that 
I was able to land a teaching 
job in the US. Not only was 
it my saving grace, teaching 
is truly the love of my life!

My children, my own babies, 
will ever and always be my 
first love. Having said that, 
other people's children will 
always come next.

There is nothing in the whole
wide world like teaching . . . 
a sacred commitment to open 
the doors and windows of the 
universe for our young people.

Taking teens by the hand and
leading them into the wonders
of a heretofore unknown world
must be the greatest challenge
a teacher has ever been given. 

All kids deserve a teacher who
says, "I am not going to let you
fail because I see more in you
than you see in yourself. I will
go to the end of the earth to
make sure school is what you
need it to be." Bored Teachers

Perhaps, it takes a modicum
amount of courage to face a
classroom each and every day.
For me though, the courage
needed was to leave the class-
room after 41 years of teaching.
Nearly broke my heart . . . 

 . . . I miss it every single day 
of my life!

To be continued . . .

04/04/2021 - Courage 2

My memory takes a peek at those two
small children, my children . . .

In a strange country, not knowing the
language, having no friends and missing
their papi. Sometimes, in the middle of
the night, I find myself actually quaking 
at the audacity I had to ask, nay 'make' my
own children go through this experience.

New school, bus rides, language learning
and I can't even begin to imagine the fear
they must have felt at every turn. Now,
think of that awesome word COURAGE,
and I will show you courage!

'Tis beyond the pale what these two kids
endured due to their mother's caprice to
return 'home'. And no, we weren't home.
We had left our home behind. Once in a
while, my little girl would catch me in
tears. She would ask, "Estás triste mami?"
My God, out of the mouth of babes . . .
what right did I even have to be sad when
my own children lived from one clueless
moment to the next?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

So, here's to real courage, the courage
that must be dredged up from the bottom
of the soul when faced with scenarios
not of your own making. I bow to my
children; I kneel at their feet. I have 
never, ever witnessed courage such as
they displayed . . . ever so young . . .

To be continued . . .

Apr 3, 2021

04/03/2031 - Courage 1

"Please tell the story of how you were
courageous enough to stick around 
Mexico as such a young woman and 
how you gained courage to start over 
while carrying responsibility for your
children back in the states." ~Pat Salas

I have to smile as Pat Salas, District 14
Counselor and Colleague, is one of the
most courageous souls I've ever met!

Pat refers to my 20 year sojourn in Mexico.
I was there from 17-37, greatest adventure
ever! Having finished high school in three
years, I took what would have been my
senior year, at a parochial boarding school
in Mexico. Vastly different from anything
I had ever encountered, it was interesting,
fascinating, amazing and I wouldn't have
missed it for the world.

What I didn't expect, was to be courted,
engaged, married, educated . . . and best
of all, to become a mother. Somehow, I
found each and every experience to be
phenomenal. When the children were
still pre-school, we moved further south 
to teach at a university. My father came 
down and built our home . . . and, we 
were set for life.

Alas, the unexpected can happen in life,
and the time came to return to the US.
This is where courage came into play. 
I returned to the known, as it were. Yet,
I found everything to be so different, so
changed. I no longer knew the idioms,
the nuances of language. I didn't know
dress and styles. I didn't understand the
social realm. I was lost in my own land.

To be continued . . .

Apr 2, 2021


Today marks a year since my
good friend's passing. Her man
wrote this morning, honoring 
her and missing her.

They were great friends as well
as partners, having been married
some 65 years. Theirs was a fine,
strong relationship, one most of
us have yearned for. And yet, he
wonders if he knew her as well
as he might have.

I wonder why we hold ourselves
back in our relationships?! Is it
that we want to keep a bit of
ourselves for ourselves? Is it fear?
Is it pride? Are we protecting our
hearts in case of the ultimate hurt?

Obviously, I'm somewhat on my
way out; but, it's never too late.
I am determined to share every 
last bit of myself with my lover 
now, before it's too late. And . . .
why not be just as open with 
friends as well? 

Me thinks there's so little to lose 
and ever so much to gain . . .

so want to know me
ever learning my lessons
so want to know you