Jun 30, 2020


Yesterday was one of those days, a gift from
the gods; make no mistake . . .

Sitting under our fave tree, enjoying a picnic of
sorts, began that perfect afternoon. We enjoyed
our usual menagerie of birds; hummingbirds,
juncos, and robins. Our favorite robin has been
coming for several years, so he approaches
without fear and comes quite close. A plethora
of chipmunks and a solitary rabbit played openly.

And then . . . the buck appeared, a 3-point buck,
stunning, glorious, beautiful beyond belief, and
utterly at ease. He walked along the perimeter of
the property, slowly but surely, king of the universe!
He stayed near us for the rest of the afternoon.

I find myself thinking of Robert Browning . . .

     The lark's on the wing;
     The snail's on the thorn;
     God's in His heaven -
     All's right with the world!

And, methinks I'll join him . . .

such beauty surrounds
so in love with mother earth
gratitude abounds

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