Jun 2, 2020


In this day and age of,  'Communication is
everything,' I find it especially hard to believe
or even accept, miscommunication. Why is it
that we can't seem to communicate perfectly?
Obviously, sometimes it has to do with anger,
or impatience, or the way one was reared, as
opposed to who we really want to be when
we grow up!

I really truly, not only want to understand the
problems with this issue, I want to practice
good communication. I firmly believe old age
helps, as we've been there, done that. I get that
it's important to be patient! But, not to minimize
being clearly spoken, and using carefully chosen

Maybe the answer lies in the old, 'Choose your
battles!' Perhaps, recognizing we all have bad
days as well as our own baggage, there is some-
thing to be said for just blowing it off! And,
not to forget listening. We're often in such a
hurry to be heard, that we forget to listen. Most
likely, the answer lies in . . . d) all of the above.

Me thinks I'm finally getting it. I need to listen.
What's wrong with hearing what the other guy
has to say. And, when it's my turn, speak quietly,
plainly. If a solution can't be reached, perhaps
the old, 'walking away' is just as doable! Wish
me luck; I've got a lot to learn in my old age!

so need to listen
point of view is important
new resolution

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