Jun 15, 2020


Color me angry . . . ever sooooo angry!
During the night, our kids' car was repoed!
It wasn't enough that they lost their jobs
during the recession and that they have
received NO stimulus checks; now they've
lost their car as well! There are not enough
words in the dictionary to express just how
angry I am . . . mad, furious, pissed off . . .

These are hard times; they are hard for
everyone, but those who have lost any
means of supporting their families have it
toughest. We who have lived in the latter
1900's and early 2000's have had it sooooo
good. I wonder if we even realized just how
much. This pandemic, this plague will be
an incredible learning experience for us all.

I'm old enough that I well remember my
grandmothers and my parents both canning
and drying food. When they were able to
buy a freezer, true elation set in. I feel
quite blest that I was able to experience
this with my own eyes and god knows, I
surely ate my share of the plunder.

2020 may well be the beginning of an epic
learning experience for all of us. I'd rather
like to fall on my knees and scream out
that I've already learned my lesson; can
we please go back to what we perceived
as normal?!

need to stop crying
daddy i want to go home
can we go now please

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