Jun 18, 2020


There is something ever so magical
in reconnection! These three months
of pandemic lockdown have had their
own price to pay, but seeing a loved
one for the first time in months is
rather beyond delightful!

It's amazing how we adapt. We stand
our 8 some feet apart, cross our arms
in a symbolic hug and try desperately
not to break into tears. We finally sit,
again 8 or so feet apart, and chat as
fast as we can, just trying to catch up.

Me thinks the world as we knew it is
long gone. We're learning to adapt to
a new way of being with masks and
hand sanitizer, with no touching and 
distance, with calls and e-mails rather
than face to face. Indeed, 'tis a new

Our success and survival will indeed
depend on our ability to adapt. I so
wish us well!

been long time no see
missing you and your sweet face
pray survive the plague

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