Jun 6, 2020


I've been musing over the sorrow involved
when one hurts a friend. Obviously, it isn't
done purposely. These things happen from
time to time, but shouldn't be blown off

Too much to drink? Too tired to measure
one's words properly? Taking for granted
long years of friendship? Bottom line, it
all matters and doesn't matter at the same
time. Especially as we get older, me thinks
we tend to be less careful, less guarded.
And, it's probably a measure of friendship
if we are able to get beyond these painful
moments or not.

My whole life, I have sought perfection.
I work on it arduously and then fuck up
just as remarkably! . . . Me thinks this
perfectionistic bent is not healthy . . .
Maybe the focus should be on personal
growth rather than perfection. We should
love and accept ourselves knowing there
are going to be failings and that this is
part of life.

Perhaps these New Age teachings are true.
Once accepting and loving ourselves, we
then can go on to love and accept others.
Certainly worth a good try! Meanwhile,
back at the ranch . . . and whilst NOT in
the throes of personal growth, pray forgive
me of my sins, fuckups and otherwise

still learning the ropes
wheres my fairy godmother
right living is hard

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