Jun 9, 2020


Me thinks 'tis easy to forget just how
stunningly beautiful one's state is until
lover decides to take a long way home!
Wow! Just W O W !!! I found myself
actually weeping at the beauty before us.

Our usual trip is about three and a half
hours. Yesterday's back way 'round, was
about eight hours . . . add in another hour
or two for our fun time at a couple of
taverns with homemade brews. Truly a
long day, but oh so much fun!

One of the things I much enjoy about a
surprise day like this one is all the stories
that tend to spill out. Obviously, some
are repeats and others, we've never told
before. Nigh onto 21 years together and
new 'cuentos chinos' coming out to play!

I get such a chuckle out of how excited
we are to enjoy a bit of a trip . . . and turn
around and find ourselves thrilled to drive
into our home. Must mean we quite enjoy
it all!

love me some long drives
no real need to travel far
enjoy nooks crannies

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