Jun 22, 2020


Up to my dreaming again . . .  portentous!

I found myself once again in the classroom,
my fave place to be . . .

It was that time of day when all the students
were leaving for the afternoon. For one reason
or another, the bell had yet to ring. I'm busy
putting the things of the day away and when
I turn, all the kids are still there. I ask them
why they hadn't left as the belated bell had
finally rung. One of the kids sang out,
"Estamos esperándola que termine." ("We're
waiting for you to finish." I was so moved,
that I got out my most coveted treats and
gave them each one. One kid hung back and
said he'd walk me to my car, help me carry
things and maybe he could talk to me about
something that was bothering him at home.

I awakened with pain in my heart and tears
on my face. I am perfectly alright with these
retirement years. Alas, some teachers make
the mistake of staying too long. That doesn't
mean I don't miss teaching. Actually, I'm
thrilled that I loved it so. Some just hang in
for the retirement and that must be horrible.

I raise my glass . . . to teaching, to a career
well accomplished, to fine administrators
who made it all possible . . . but most of all
to my beloved kids. Bright blessings upon

missing my students
may see them again sometime
love those crazy kids

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